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Archive for the stepNEWS Category




stepNEWS of the Day

Here is the news that isn’t the news to keep you informed about things that don’t really matter, but that can be funny, if you’re not the 12 year old getting raped by the clown….scroll down and see how genius I tie things together…I’m a machine peple. A sloppy booze soaked confused perverted machine.

Women Accidentally Shoot Selves
Two women are suspected of a drive-by shooting Friday night – and they actually ended up shooting themselves!

Clown Arrested in 2002 Rape of Girl
A professional clown suspected of kidnapping and raping a 12-year-old girl in Fullerton nine years ago while he was in costume was arrested today.

Teen Boy-Woman Affair Started in Church
An observant mother … worried about changes in her teenage son’s behavior… discovers something worse than she ever expected. Her 15-year-old son had met a girl at church. They started exchanging text messages and videos. That’s not that unusual. But what if the girl is 20 and the images of the two are graphic?

Pole Dancing for Jesus Goes Global
It’s a story we first brought you last week. Who knew that a small business in Old Town Spring would make headlines across the country?

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

Here’s some stepNEWS that isn’t news cuz if it was news it wouldn’t be on this site, cuz this site offers nothing informative to society, we just cover breast feeding dolls, rapist coaches and drunk mom’s…goodtimes…

Uproar over Breast-Feeding Baby Doll
How young is too young to teach a girl how to breast-feed? There’s some controversy surrounding a breast milk baby.

Coach Accused of Sex Misconduct
A basketball coach at a Phoenix Catholic school has been arrested, facing sexual misconduct charges. The victim is an 8th grade girl, a student at St. Catherine of Siena.

Drunk Mom Left 2-Month-Old in Car
A valley mother has been charged with child neglect after leaving her 2-month-old son in an unattended vehicle while she went inside a mall. But that’s not all — police say she was under the influence at the time.

FB Account Lands Teen in Trouble
Facebook and go to jail? It happened to Nestor Rivera Jr., a 19-year-old graduate of Pasadena High School.

Mom’s Eye-Popping Court Outburst
A Nevada mom takes court outbursts to a new level – literally – as she resists being placed into custody.

Man to be Sentenced of Sex Trafficking
A federal judge is set to sentence a man convicted of luring impoverished young Mexican women to the Atlanta area only to force them to work as prostitutes.

Arizona Bride Arrested on Wedding Da
Police arrested 28-year-old Angela Davito was arrested in Arizona just hours after her wedding. Police say she attacked an officer at the reception after several men crashed the party and a fight broke out.

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

Let’s get the stepNEWS that isn’ News but that is porn to at least one person…cuz Fat Ho Burgers, naked rescues, children being sold for sex in Memphis and virgin waxes or slap dancing gone wrong is my thing…but only if it makes it to the local news…the big times for such insignificant crap…cuz we’re no CNN and by we I mean me…there’s only one of us here, the voices are just from locking myself in a hole for 6 years married to a computer cuz the fat wife I married was disgusting to look at…but enough about me…Here’s the latest FOLLOW ME

Do Teen Girls Dress Too Sexy?
Is naughty becoming the new normal for young teens around ages 13, 14 and 15? Parents today are trying to balance teenage independence and parental controls. But when celebrity images are thrown into the mix it can be quite confusing for all.

Virgin Waxes

Children Being Sold for Sex in Memphis
Children being held captive and sold for sex, some call it modern day slavery and it’s happening right here in Memphis and the Mid-South.

Video Spurs Police Investigation
Two Chicago cops are now off the street after appearing to use gang members to intimidate a young man in the back of a police SUV.

School at Center of Letter Controversy
“I asked the students why they refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance and they said we are Mexicans and Americans stole our land,” reads a letter from a substitute teacher, now at the center of another controversy at the State Capitol.

‘Fat Ho Burgers’ Opens in Texas
You can get hot, juicy burgers with crispy tots or fries at a new restaurant in Waco, Texas. But it’s not the food that’s getting the attention at Fat Ho Burgers.

Naked woman rescued from San Diego cliff
SAN DIEGO – A heroic rescue took place in California where a naked woman was pulled to safety yesterday after getting stuck on this narrow cliff near San Diego’s Black Beach.

Man facing DWI charge shows up drunk
NEW YORK – A New York man who was scheduled to appear before a judge on felony DWI charges was arrested at the courthouse after allegedly enjoying a liquid lunch.


Slap dancing gone wrong

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

Here is the latest stepNEWS that isn’t really news but that is probably more erotic than the actual news, which I assume is all about Elizabeth Taylor’s corpse, that is not quite as erotic as her tits in slow motion, cuz she conveniently died so CNN would have something to talk about to distract you from the real issues, like oil wars, terrorism and the end of the fucking world…

I figured when you’ve made it to 80, it’s not worth feeling bad about…or really talking abou….now the stepNEWS FOLLOW ME

Speaking of Death – Funeral horror caught on tape
A Manatee County family is grieving not just because they lost a loved one, but because of what happened at the cemetery during the funeral — and it was all caught on tape.

Chris Brown Outburst After TV Interview
R & B singer Chris Brown reportedly smashed a window with a chair in the dressing room of Good Morning America following an interview on Tuesday

Boy Describes Plan to Kill Teacher
ewly-released video of police interviewing a 15-year-old Goodyear boy charged in the attempted murder of his teacher.

Move to stop alleged cannibal’s release
Lawmakers in Rhode Island are attempting to prevent the release of Michael Woodmansee, a child killer and alleged cannibal.

Woman Groped While Waiting for Train
Light rail passengers chased down a man after he groped a woman while she was waiting a train.

22 arrests in Sumter online sex sting
Deputies in Sumter County this morning announced 22 arrests following an online sex sting.

Lohan’s Dad Arrested in West Hollywood
Michael Lohan, Lindsay Lohan’s father, was arrested in West Hollywood for allegedly preventing his girlfriend from calling 911, holding her against her will and causing minor injuries, sheriff’s deputies said today.

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

I know you’d rather watch porn than the news, but to some people, the news is porn…

Here’s the latest stepNEWS that isn’t news. FOLLOW ME

SWAT team shows up over Taco Bell dissatisfaction

Female TN Softball Coach Charged with Sexual Battery

UGA Student Attacked, Nearly Raped
There’s fear around the UGA campus Monday night after a man attacked a student and tried to rape her. Fortunately, a Good Samaritan intervened.

Man throws $100 to strangers
Witnesses say they are still surprised by a man’s bizarre behavior at a local Starbucks on St. Patrick’s Day. He walked into a the store, yelled. “I’m rich, I’m rich, I’m rich!” then threw about 100-one dollar bills into the air.

Apple under fire for anti-gay app
A new Smartphone application by a Christian-based organization promises to help gay people “grow into heterosexuality.” Many who work with teens say it sends a bad message; and national groups are calling for Apple to de-list it.

Suspects Beat Victim with Crowbar
Details have emerged after a Surprise man is found beaten to death and robbed at a Peoria apartment complex.

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

News that isn’t news…cuz real news is depressing….unless you find depressing things funny…in which case the real news is comedy…and the stepNEWS is depressing…..Either way, I’m confused. Thanks hard drinking in a bar where there hot chick was still ugly, and the skinniest chick still fat….and I’m still recovering. Thanks stepNEWS for inspiring, even if I am the only one inspired!

Video: Sports Reporter Nearly Run Over
Reporters sometimes face dangerous situations in the field, covering live events. Check out what happened to a San Diego reporter covering the NCAA championship in Tucson. He’s almost ran over by a car!

Police: Mother Gave Child Four Loko
A woman is in jail after police say she allowed her 1-year-old child to drink the alcoholic beverage Four Loko and left the child unattended.

Police Investigate Sexting Case at HS
Police are investigating how a nude picture of a Cedar Park High School student has been spread around throughout the student body.

Mom arrested after daughter gets tattoo
Child abuse or poor judgment, that’s what the State Attorney in Volusia County is trying to decide after a mother was arrested for allowing her 14-year-old daughter to get a tattoo.

AZ Teen, Man She Met Online Found
Police have found a missing southern Arizona teenager with a Utah man she met online. Officers say they found 14-year-old Ashley Kingsbury and 19-year-old Jordan Anthony on a beach in Galveston.

Beauty Queen’s Bikini Pics ‘Unusable’ After Weight Gain
A pageant organizer who dethroned a Texas beauty queen says the 17-year-old’s weight gain made her bikini pics unusable.

Student Brings Cocaine to DC School
Four elementary school students either sniffed or swallowed cocaine brought to school by a classmate Thursday, district officials said, but they were fine aside from sore throats.

Caught on Tape:
Detention officer attacked
Shocking video is released from the Charleston County Detention Center. The video shows a detention officer repeatedly punching a female suspect in the face during a booking last December.

Beer Has Health Benefits
Every Thursday, the FOX Medical Team brings a special report that affects many populations throughout the U.S.

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

Here’s some news that isn’t news…but that’s good enough for me cuz the actual news is boring. Ignorance is ideal. It makes panic about the end of the world far easier to deal with…

Don’t Monetize God…

Pole Dancing for Jesus
Pole dancing as a workout is nothing new. Over the past few years, independent studios have popped up all over the country, but there is a very unique type of pole dancing class here in our area.

Vicious Bullying Attack on 9-Yr-Old Because of Buck Teeth
Connor Middleton isn’t sure why 3 boys, all much bigger than him, singled him out to pick on.


Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

Here’s the latest news that isn’t news but that’s good enough for me cuz it is more entertaining that watching Japanese houses and nuclear plants get washed away….

I wonder if anyone even watches these…I can safelty assume I’m just wasting my time…it is kinda what I do…haven’t quite figured out why…

See, I’ll see some of these posted on other sites in a day or two and be like – shit I should learn marketing….cuz you can’t be a first mover on shit if no one knows you exist….

Pastor Calls Flock Devils, Demons
Members of the small congregation at Houston Unity Baptist Church said when they refused to give the pastor their tax refunds; he refused to give them their communion.

Albany ‘Kegs and Eggs’ riot
The number of Albany college students charged after weekend “kegs and eggs” parties turned riotous has topped 40 and city officials are vowing to use revelers’ cellphone videos of the mayhem in the investigation.

Live Roaches Scatter Ad’s Message
Live cockroaches draw crowds at Dallas billboard

Boy body slams bully – The Latest internet sensation…that is hilarious….


Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

I don’t think any news will ever be as important as yesterday’s guy with 84 Julia Roberts Tattoos , but I figure I might as well post these news that aren’t really news cuz i figure we’ve got our own problems and don’t need to deal with the depressing problems of Japan natural disasters and Arab disasters that are laying the groundword for the end of the world, 2012 motherfuckers, because lets face it, they just aren’t that important cuz they aren’t as fun….if anything they are sad and depressing, and who needs that…life is depressing enough without their problems that will soon be our problems..

Here’s some good light hearted stepNEWS….

Snake Dies of Silicone Poisoning
A snake that bit Israeli model and actress Orit Fox in the chest died after being poisoned by an unusual venom — the silicone in the buxom blonde’s surgically enhanced breasts.

Sink hole swallows cars
City crews are working to secure the area around a sinkhole near the Humboldt Bridge in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Woman Freed after ‘Horrific’ Kidnapping
A North Texas woman survives a “horrific” two-week kidnapping and sexual assault at the hands of a man she rejected romantically, police say.


Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

What’s Japan? Oh, that boring place that’s dominating our news, and making us miss such critical stories. Good thing I am here with the real news….Global natural disasters that kill tens of thousands of people haven’t got shit on these useless stories….I guess I’m just doing my part to keep America focused….I don’t think Japan appreciates this joke….

Man has 82 Julia Roberts tattoos

Student Says He was Cuffed to Cabinet
A former Grady High student claims in a new lawsuit that he was handcuffed to a filing cabinet at the school for about seven hours.

Student Hospitalized after Paddling
A 14-year old Mississippi high school student was rushed to LeBonheur Children’s Hospital for surgery Friday after he blacked out following a school paddling Thursday.

Video Catches Felon Punching Elderly Man
A Rosemont man who police say is a convicted felon was caught on camera shoving and punching an elderly man as he waited to use a restroom at a Northwest Side grocery last month.

Shocking Hit-and-Run Caught on Tape
Dallas police are still looking for the driver who struck a woman as she was crossing the street in a busy entertainment district. But this time they have shocking surveillance video that will help them prosecute their case.

Posted in:stepNEWS