I am a big advocate for the tiny tits, for all the reasons that I find tiny tits great, all scaled down and usually more symmetrical than a big sloppy tit, usually on a tighter frame than a sloppy tit, and the idea of hacksawing the tit to fit into some bullshit stereotype instead of just showing off the hot little tits depresses me. DO NOT KILL THE TIT LIKE TITTY CANCER KILLED OLIVA NETWON JOHN.
That doesn’t mean that I am not a fan of girls with big tits, using their big tits as a marketing hook, because when GOD gifts you big tits, USE them to get ahead, everyone, girls and guys are into big tits, we stare and worship them, it probably taps into our baby brains where tits were food and even small tits were bigger than our head.
The gamification that makes flashing the tit less slutty, or thirsty, but rather a fun time for everyone to get involved in with a good old game of titty flash….because it’s hard to turn down fun when you see a bunch of people playin’…..
So for the sake of professional titty drops…the bigger, the sloppier, the better.
Posted in:Titty Drop