I'll Make You Famous…

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I am – Lohan on Coke

Who says cocaine is bad? It has helped Lohan shape up. Being an alcoholic like her dad has accounted for a lot of calorie intake. What better way to counter the ill-effects than to binge on coke. It’s really speeds up the metabolism while keeping the party vibe going and boosts your onfidence….people need to appreciate bathrooms more. I remember when I was a bathroom attendant at a pretty high-end brothel. I sold cigars and gum. It has probably the highest profile job I ever had.

On a sidenote – what do they do with the implants after they remove them?

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I am – A loser's guide to scoring

Ok, so we’re new around here, but since the Drunken Stepfather still owes us all those reparation payments from that molestaion that scarred our childhood, and his only assets are empty alcohol bottles and occasionally an eight-ball of coke, we figured if we could post useless shit, it would make up for the terrible, terrible memories.

the loser’s guide to scoring after the jump

Now that introductions are out of the way, on to the pussy. We’ve never actually seen any pussy, but we hear it’s pretty cool. (Stop yelling, Ma, I’m busy on the Internet!)

First, look for the girl who you’d like to some sweet action from. Then, find a girl that you have half a chance with, loser! We’ve met the girls we’ve stalked…. uh, we mean dated in many places. Chat rooms are a great place, but you gotta be good at typing with one hand, unless you have a buddy who’ll type for you while you take care of business.

Elbow-Tittie is always a subtle way to start chatting (kinda like how we do it all the time in the chat groups on the internet. You’d be surprised how much the FBI hates it when a 35 year-old guy makes friends with 11 year olds on the net, by pretending he’s their age). The way elbow-tittie works is as follows: You go up to a chick and elbow her in the tit. How fuckin dumb are you that we need to explain it? If that doesn’t work, she still might be impressed at the immunity to pepper spray that you’ve built up over the years.

Now that you broke the ice, how do you get her into the sack? We asked our buddy Tobias who once fingered a chick (he’s the man!), and he said that his best move is impressing her with your knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons. Whatever you do though, DO NOT tell her that you’re an elf! Chicks hate that shit. You MUST say that you are either a wizard or a centaur, and that you have slayed at least a level 7 dragon. Otherwise, you got no chance buddy.

Telling her she looks pretty always works too, especially for the girls you should be going for, they generally don’t get complimented that often. Be warned, though, they will often know you are lying.

Congrats on having gotten off your fat ass and spoken to a real, live girl. We’re gonna do that too, one day. Now that you’ve spoken to a chick for 10 minutes, it looks like you’ve got a girlfriend. This guy we once met who told us he once had a girlfriend told us that you’ve gotta “play the game”. That means playing hard to get buddy. I know it can be difficult, since this is the first girl you’ve ever spoken to, and you probably came your pants when she talked dirty and said “fuck off, creep”. But beleive us, it works like a charm. We told out internet girlfriend, “I_love_hillaryduff_1989” that we’d chat with her online right now, and we’re like 3 minutes late already. We got her wrapped around our little finger.

FINGER BANGING RULES!!!!!!!! (at least that’s what we hear)

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I am – A loser’s guide to scoring

Ok, so we’re new around here, but since the Drunken Stepfather still owes us all those reparation payments from that molestaion that scarred our childhood, and his only assets are empty alcohol bottles and occasionally an eight-ball of coke, we figured if we could post useless shit, it would make up for the terrible, terrible memories.

the loser’s guide to scoring after the jump

Now that introductions are out of the way, on to the pussy. We’ve never actually seen any pussy, but we hear it’s pretty cool. (Stop yelling, Ma, I’m busy on the Internet!)

First, look for the girl who you’d like to some sweet action from. Then, find a girl that you have half a chance with, loser! We’ve met the girls we’ve stalked…. uh, we mean dated in many places. Chat rooms are a great place, but you gotta be good at typing with one hand, unless you have a buddy who’ll type for you while you take care of business.

Elbow-Tittie is always a subtle way to start chatting (kinda like how we do it all the time in the chat groups on the internet. You’d be surprised how much the FBI hates it when a 35 year-old guy makes friends with 11 year olds on the net, by pretending he’s their age). The way elbow-tittie works is as follows: You go up to a chick and elbow her in the tit. How fuckin dumb are you that we need to explain it? If that doesn’t work, she still might be impressed at the immunity to pepper spray that you’ve built up over the years.

Now that you broke the ice, how do you get her into the sack? We asked our buddy Tobias who once fingered a chick (he’s the man!), and he said that his best move is impressing her with your knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons. Whatever you do though, DO NOT tell her that you’re an elf! Chicks hate that shit. You MUST say that you are either a wizard or a centaur, and that you have slayed at least a level 7 dragon. Otherwise, you got no chance buddy.

Telling her she looks pretty always works too, especially for the girls you should be going for, they generally don’t get complimented that often. Be warned, though, they will often know you are lying.

Congrats on having gotten off your fat ass and spoken to a real, live girl. We’re gonna do that too, one day. Now that you’ve spoken to a chick for 10 minutes, it looks like you’ve got a girlfriend. This guy we once met who told us he once had a girlfriend told us that you’ve gotta “play the game”. That means playing hard to get buddy. I know it can be difficult, since this is the first girl you’ve ever spoken to, and you probably came your pants when she talked dirty and said “fuck off, creep”. But beleive us, it works like a charm. We told out internet girlfriend, “I_love_hillaryduff_1989” that we’d chat with her online right now, and we’re like 3 minutes late already. We got her wrapped around our little finger.

FINGER BANGING RULES!!!!!!!! (at least that’s what we hear)

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I am – Videos of the Day

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Main Entry: 1vid·eo
Pronunciation: ‘vi-dE-“O
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin vidEre to see + -o (as in audio)
1 : TELEVISION; also : the visual portion of television
2 : VIDEOTAPE: as a : a recording of a motion picture or television program for playing through a television set b : a videotaped performance of a song often featuring an interpretation of the lyrics through visual images


Mardi Gras Wet T-Shirt

Country Song

Girls “hip hop” Dancing

Guy gets tricked that his mom is a stripper

Chick Fight

Chicago Graffiti – Boring as FUCK!!

Jenna Jameson Bloopers

Idiot at Make Me King Making a Volcano in his Mouth

Jerry Springer – I refuse to wear clothes

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I am – Link Dump

Some of our readers do not like to or are not able to read. We at the Drunken Stepfather sympathize and have a feature just for them. “THE Link Dump” where all you gotta do is click on the link. If would like to send me a link, email me at: brad

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I am – Lil’ Mynx

I miss Minxy Winxy Pudding + Pie as much as you do, I was going to go to her memorial, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Instead I read her erotic stories and cried. In my healing process, I have been drinking a lot of hot chocolate and Wild Turkey, it is comfort food, I have also been frequenting strip clubs a lot. I have been looking for a lap dance that would be on par with the ones I used to get Minxy Winxy to give me back when I babysat her, years ago. I remember those nights, I would tuck her in and read her Babysitter’s Club. She loved Dawn. Then she would but on her sexy costume and dance for me. She was 11.

It’s hard to find a girl with with a pelvis as strong as a boar. But it isn’t hard to turn your house into a strip club. Every trailer park living room across the country should have one of these in the middle of it. It screams class, and you can try to teach your fat bitch wife how to pole dance…Maybe it will add some spice to the marriage…but you could also stop getting drunk and beating her up, asshole.

Check out Lil’ Mynx

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I am – Lil' Mynx

I miss Minxy Winxy Pudding + Pie as much as you do, I was going to go to her memorial, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Instead I read her erotic stories and cried. In my healing process, I have been drinking a lot of hot chocolate and Wild Turkey, it is comfort food, I have also been frequenting strip clubs a lot. I have been looking for a lap dance that would be on par with the ones I used to get Minxy Winxy to give me back when I babysat her, years ago. I remember those nights, I would tuck her in and read her Babysitter’s Club. She loved Dawn. Then she would but on her sexy costume and dance for me. She was 11.

It’s hard to find a girl with with a pelvis as strong as a boar. But it isn’t hard to turn your house into a strip club. Every trailer park living room across the country should have one of these in the middle of it. It screams class, and you can try to teach your fat bitch wife how to pole dance…Maybe it will add some spice to the marriage…but you could also stop getting drunk and beating her up, asshole.

Check out Lil’ Mynx

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I am – T-Shirt of the Day

I came across this really hot site the other day. It’s a t-shirt company called Tank Theory and I have decided to plug their shits every once and a while. The concept of the company is to use a T-Shirt as a canvas and not as a branding mechanism. I remember back in Mexico, we used T-shirts as bed linens. We slept in the corner of the shanty and we would stretch our shirts over our knees to keep warm in the brisk mexican night.

To see more Tank Theory – Go HERE

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I am – Born Today Feb 21

Every person has one special day…Their birthday. Everyone hates Monday’s, the day we must all drag our hang over ass down to work after the weekend. So lets blame this Monday on someone born today, just chosse someone. I choose you Jeanne Calment.

Top 4 People born Today

#4)Jennifer Love Hewitt (02/21/1979 – ) actor,

Quote on her breasts:”I just accepted them as a great accessory to every outfit.”

#3)Sacha Guitry (02/21/1885 – 07/24/1957)French writer

Quote: “The little I know I owe to my ignorance.”

#2)Jeanne Calment (02/21/1875 – 08/04/1997)French oldest person

Quote: on the sort of future a 120-yr-old expects

#1)Ann Sheridan (02/21/1915 – 01/21/1967) actor

Quote: “They nicknamed me the Oomph Girl, and I loathe that nickname! Just being known by a nickname indicates that you’re not thought of as a true actress….It’s just crap! If you call an actress by her looks or a reaction, then that’s all she’ll ever be thought of as.”

Pictures of the Birthday boys/girls after the Jump

Jennifer Love Hewitt


Jeanne Calment

Ann Sheridan

The Ann Sheridan Picture Gallery

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I am – Keyra Agustina’s Ass

Yes all you fucking perverts have seen the ass pictures before, but have you ever found a place that has a whole fuckload of them. This is the most comprehensive collection of the “perfect webcam ass”. We are not a jerk off site – so fuck off you wimpering twats.

Link and Pics after the jump….bitches….


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