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Archive for the Videos Category




Bottomless Mistress Being Paraded For Sleeping with Married Man and Other Videos of the Day

Girl Picked up and Power Slammed

Naked Chinese Man in the Subway


Mexican Wrestler VS Fire

Shot on the Bus

Husky Escapes Cage and Frees Other Dogs!!

Deputies Fighting

Cop Moves Burning Truck

Jerking Off to a Manequin is Hilarious to Me

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Diarrhea In the Tub and Other Videos of the Day

Guy Passes Out on a Ride

The Donald Trump Sex Doll is Worth Fucking

Big China Tits on a Small China Waist

Drunk Illegal Kills Christian American

Chinese Woman with an African Tribe

Robber VS Camera

Monkey Playing Slots

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




The Woman Who Limbos Under Cars of the Day

I think this is the most interesting thing that’s happened today….

In all this horny valentine’s day girls trying to get filled because they don’t want to feel lonely or inadequate…fun….

I spend my time watching a girl LIMBO under cars….because Limbo, it the most erotic of dances….

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Guy Masturbates in The Store and Other Videos of the Day

Wife VS Mistress for Valentines Day

Big Breast Client Gets Tattoo….

Sucker Punch

Driver VS Train

California Nation Guard Rescues Old Man

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Best Woman and Other Videos of the Day

Motor Cycle Ends Up in Truck Bed

Bus Driver Loses His Shit!

Truck Plows Down People

Woman Hit by Lamp post

Ferry Crashes into the Dock

Clueless Sea World Protest

Truck VS Bridge

Runner Gets Elastic Band Attack…

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Sex on the Side of the Road in Rio and Other Videos of the Day

Topless Protestors in Argentina

Old Man Shits Himself in Grocery Store

Mother Tries to Give baby To McDonald’s Clerk before Dad Abducts baby

Store Clerk Gets Pistol Whipped

Female Cop Shoots and Kills Hostage Taker

Man Plays With Penis on the Subway

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Etam Lingerie Video with High Priced Model and 800 Views of the Day

Constance Jablonski is one of those well known models no one actually cares about, but she gets fucking paid, stealing your American jobs, using her American work Visa, not interested in making America great, just leaching off the system and paying more taxes to the system than you’re broke Walmart working ass..

She’s the type of model who puts her tits out there, you can google that shit, I’m too lazy…but today she’s in a video for Valentines day, one of the most boring videos, for a massive lingerie brand…using an expensive model, shit probably cost them 100k to do…and yet when I pulled it from their youtube it had 800 views…

I can’t even get paid 10 dollars to do a video that will get at least 2,000 views…thanks to you…my loyal followers….who complete me but who never send me money to pay my fucking bills…asshole mooches…

Here are her tits from the past…because tits are great…

Posted in:Videos




Finger Sniffer and Other Videos of the Day

Man Throws Cup of Semen on Girl in the Store

Man Plays with Woman’s Nipple at Train Station

Dude Busted having Virtual Sex

Male Stripper VS Woman

Man Ignites Fireworks Store

Texas Sized Clerk VS Robber

Horrible Ski Accident

Man Hole Explodes

Neighbors Have a Knife Fight

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Pervert Pushing Up Against Women and Other Videos of the Day

Kids Doing Wheelie’s On Four Wheelers….

Crazy Naked Man who Stole a Cab and drove through peoplr

Insane Chick Fight

Cat Steals Bacon Out of Feeder

Drunk Dude at a Sobriety Checkpoint

Ass Gets Cute Help

Drunk Old Guy Stabs His Arm…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Old Lady Pees on the Train and Other Videos of the Day

Lady Gets Robbed in Atlanta

ATM Stealing Criminal Win

Stray Bull VS Person

Furniture Thiefs of the Day

Guy Gets Head Butted

Otter Slide

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