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stepLINKS of the Day

Check out this Facebook message from a fan of the day…… hi, i don’t know if you read mail from girls…and if you do read mail from girls, I don’t know if you read any further than the time it takes you to figure out whether or not you’ll be able to get sexual pleasure […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have been busy celebrating Miley Cyrus’ birthday outside the local highschool. I wish I had a video camera because I am sure I got at least three girls pregnant with my illicit thoughts….I am drunk, it is a regular occurance in my life….like Thanksgiving is a regular occurance in your life, and every year […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just slept the last 15 hours….I am sure I didn’t miss much and I am still tired so I am going back to pass the fuck out, but figured before I do, I’d put up the stepLINKS for you to entertain yourself with while my body either recovers or slowly dies in what I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I blame sobriety for my shitty day. You see this weeekend I decided to not drink to see what happens when you don’t drink. I have no alcohol money cuz my site’s been broken the last month and I can hardly pay the servers, so I figured, I wouldn’t spend the last of my money […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know what the highlight of my day was…my new friends on my free blackberry who send me pictures documenting how many fingers they can fit inside their vaginas, capping out at 5, knuckle deep….or the 9 girls who pretty much gang banged my dog, fully rubbing him down like he was a cock, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve decided I’ve done enough posting for the day….this daylight savings time just fucked me up…I get excited that I can drink an hour longer…since I live in a shitty city where bars don’t stay open all night ….but my body doesn’t really know how to handle it anymore…cuz that’s what being old and unhealthy […]




Underage Sluts is The Highlight of the Weekend of the Day

I haven’t even really been on the computer all weekend, I was taking a break, taking in all the sights and sounds of sitting on my couch and staring at the wall, too broke to really do anything, and too unmotivated to get up and out there to see what the world has to offer, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In the event you’ve visited the site and saw “Suspicious or Malicious or Conspicuous Site Warning” because some asshole compromised my banner ads I was running and not making money from. The URL the hacker was coming from was ASD.com. Whoever owns that URL should be killed. That said, this message was just sent in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am tired of sharing my inner emotions with you…like my dreams of one day starring in small penis impotent man porn…where I rub my clit like genitals all over porn chicks…unable to get hard or climax…or whatever other shit I spew on the regular…I am more into napping. The stepFORUMhas been labeled a malicious […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I made the mistake of going out to lunch today and forgetting that I had a website…I am sure I didn’t miss much and not much missed me….I ended up at the strippers and my hands were full…if you know what I mean…This Jesus doesn’t love you…but I do like drinking during the day with […]