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stepLINKS of the Day

2014’s as shitty as I expected…but the good news is girls are just as slutty as they were in 2013. That keeps me going…. Here are the stepLINKS… Baby Gives Jenny McCarthy Side Eye – FUNNY GO Girls Without Bras GO This CHick is Ripped…. GO AnnaLynne McCord Lives and is Still Skinny in a […]




Aubrey O’Day Big Titty Kiss on Instagram of the Day

If you’re into Miley touching tongues with Cara Delevingne, who isn’t all that hot, but who makes a lot of money for being considered an it girl, because fashion is determined by gay men in France….because both girls crave attention and want to be shocking…even though they both look like lesbians who actually fuck each […]




Bar Refaeli Back-Up Dancer of the Day

If you’re not into Miley touching tongues with some model who isn’t all that hot, but who makes a lot of money for being considered hot or relevant, because both crave attention as this is their time to shine…it’s their year… Then here’s Bar Refaeli, ex-Victoria’s Secret model, turned Israeli socialite, who no longer dates […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

It’s still Christmas. Even for the Jews. I am eating cake. Drinking Drink. Preying on girls who’s prayers haven’t been answered and it’s amazing… When I should be creeping on people desperate enough to be shopping on Boxing day…because you know they be hurting my kind of hurting… What are you doing? Clicking links? Keep […]




Rihanna Gets Bible for X-Mas then Defies Religion of the Day

Sure, Rihanna’s badly shot Christmas pics for instagram are hardly as exciting as MILEY’S MUCH ANTICIPATED MASTURBATION MUSIC VIDEO …but I still found it funny Partially because I assume that she got her dead grandmother’s bible, because clearly her religious family must hate that she’s got no soul…that she defies everything religion represents..and they are […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The biggest problem with instagram is that it makes fat girls think they are hotter than they are….and instead of going into places ashamed of their fat selves…they walk in like they are Lohan hopped on speed…and instead of being polite and accommodating – they are abrasive as fuck…It’s like whatever happened to fat chicks […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like laughing at misplaced ads on the internet…it’s a fight I fight because no advertising networks what to advertise here since posting pics of celebs and models is “pornographic”…for some fucking reason I call the worst kind of porn ever…since people like taking the safe route…even though Youtube has the weirdest fucking videos around […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The comment of the day goes to some random bitch who calls herself Sarah Palin… homophobic racist fat basement dwelling pervert I love that I bring out such positivity out of people…you know sure it seems negative to call someone those things, but it brings me great joy knowing I helped some uptight cunt release…life […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I feel like being the fat man with cum stains on my sweat pants is so cliche…like obviously the fat guy is the chronic masturbator who hates himself too much to clean up after himself or care what people will think…but at the same time…it’s way more appropriate and disgusting than Doritos powder…and trolling the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…why is there no homeless people porn. They have thrown in the towel, given up, they don;’t give a fuck and they will work for canned goods…other than the smell…and how disgusting it would be to watch…coupled with the fact no one would ever buy it…I just […]