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Leni Klum Massive Rich Girl Boobs in a Bikini on Her Dads Yacht of the Day

Leni Klum is one of the artifacts of Heidi Klum being passed around rich dudes when she was at the top of her career as a Victoria’s Secret model, because when she ended up with Kissed by a Rose Seal with the adult arm sized penis, she was already pregnant with this one…. Maybe Seal’s […]




Leni Klum Sunburn of the Day

In the most important story or content piece you will see all day, or possibly all week, Leni Klum has brought us a TANLINE THURSDAY a day early….by showing the people her bikini tanline, while rocking some THONG underwear that don’t cover her bikini bottom tanline, and the whole thing is wonderful… Yes, she’s got […]




Leni Klum Big Fish of the Day

In tragic news, Leni Klum didn’t read Heidi Klum’s instructional note that she texted her way when Leni was out fishing, which for those of you who don’t know, is a huge content opportunity because these Youtube Fishing whores of Onlyfans make millions off their millions of followers, since fishing is fucking huge…. So Heidi, […]




Leni Klum Bikini Tit of the Day

Leni Klum is the Heidi Klum spinoff series who I would argue is a better version than Heidi Klum because I’m not entirely stoked on the 6 foot tall model women, they are large and actually terrifying, where the smaller, shorter version with bigger tits seems a lot more manageable, besides being raised without a […]




Leni Klum Titty Grab of the Day

Leni Klum is the Heidi Klum offspring, prodigy, born to be great set of great tits, who is well aware of her marketable titty assets, thanks to her mommy knowing to exploit them as hard as she can, as fast as she can, because every time someone gets off to the hot daughter’s tits, it […]




Possible Leni Klum Tit Barely Being Contained!

I don’t know if this is Leni Klum, but I am going to assume that this is Leni Klum because the pervert Stefan who sent it to me only sends me Leni Klum content, because like me, he is really impressed with the size of her tits. Are they German, are they Italian, are they […]




Leni Klum’s Pimple Face of the Day

Leni Klum has probably been the most interesting celebrity child paving her own way in the world with her giant fucking tits, assuming you consider paving her own way riding off her mom Heidi Klum’s back, making appearances on her mom’s TV show, or with her in lingerie campaigns to give dudes mom/daughter fetishes that […]




Leni Klum Brought the Tits Out for Germany Top Model of the Day

So, as you know Leni Klum is the latest and greatest in the celebrity rich kid fetish that I’ve had for as long as I can remember….they are always more interesting than the actual celeb while thinking they are celebs and knowing that they only exist sine their parents are celebs, it’s a weird dynamic […]




Leni Klum’s Robe Selfie of the Day

I feel like I’ve already posted this Leni Klum selfie in a silky looking robe you’d expect to find in the boudoir, whatever the fuck a boudoir is….I’m thinking Whore House in the 1800s, but what the fuck do I know… I assume this is how Heidi used to dress Leni up when important decision […]




Leni Klum Holding her Model Daughter Tits of the Day

We are in a society where entitled kids assume they are as good or better at what their parents do, so you have kids of directors directing shitty movies or TV show, you have kids of actors acting badly and that’s just in the Lily Rose Depp show The Idol…. So we’ve also got kids […]