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stepLINKS of the Day

The world is a giant pervert….a giant porn set gone bad…yet some people still think I am a dirty old man because I like knowing what girls get off to. what they masturbate to, how they fuck, when they fuck, and what makes them cum when they fuck. I like to know what panties they […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I would assume that if I left my house…magical things could happen…but then I look at my phone…and realize…that all these girls who think I am 23 on Tinder send me nudes that I wouldn’t get if I did leave my house…so like a smart investor, I’m gonna invest my time in that…since it’s not […]




stepLINKS of the Day

What always amazes is me is how girls are really into porn…which would make sense, since pornographers are usually the cheesy dude at the club the girls are circulating around who you’d probably want nothing to do with, cool people don’t do porn and girls hate cool people.. These girls are also really into hardcore […]




stepLINKS / Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It was memorial day…so I forgot to post the stepLINKS….we call that being drunk…and passing out at 8 pm…. This is as far as a got with them…. Here are some stepLINKS… Katy Perry on Russell Brand. GO Tits on TV GO So Many Big Fucking Tits… GO Jordan Carver is the Slut of the […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

The bikini game in Canada is pretty fucking weak…at least in this part of white trash Canada where you’d expect at least one meth addicted stripper to be getting a tan…..but all I see is a sea of gunts hanging over bikini bottoms one size too small… I guess Canada’s memorial day from Queen Victoria […]




stepLINKS of the Day

For an anti social person who generally hates most things and most people I have a lot of followers on social media…you know an antisocial social media whore…. However, for the single longest running internet failure…I really don’t have nearly enough followers on social media and it is a constant reminder that after 11 years […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My new strategy with girls who don’t want to fuck me is to say “sometimes you’ve just got to say fuck it…and then fuck it”….it being me…you don’t tell them the last part, you imply it by pointing at your erection, ideally in a public place, like the bus or a restaurant or in line […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Every time I meet a dude at a bar who seems like he’s the kind of guy who would stalk a girl, follow her home, lock her inside for a week violating her, before killing her for the way she tempted him and the way she made him do those bad bad things to her, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes nothing funny happens to you in your day, so you have to stand in the cookie aisle at the grocery store, waiting for the fattest and loneliest bitch to come around on a Friday night, in efforts to convince her that the chocolate mint thins will in fact make her lose weight…I mean get […]




Chanel West Coast Has No Nipples While She Models Lingerie of the Day

Chanel West Coast is one of those Iggy Azalea, Charli XCX, white female rappers with a fat ass who no one really cares about, except maybe for 15 year old suburban girls who hang out at their local mall…only unlike the other two, this one hasn’t quite hit famous yet…but she’s trying and I guess […]