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stepLINKS of the Day

Umlike Harrision Ford, I don’t crash planes…but I do have sex with girls who look and act like private plane crashes…that’s the more appropriate way to address a trainwreck of a sugar baby, not that I get sugar babies, I get the bootleg, low grade sugar babies looking for instagram followers because the site is […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The good thing about being broke as fuck, you know resorting to stealing 20 dollars from my wife’s purse to drink, is that I know when I get with girls, they aren’t opportunists trying to gold dig or get ahead…they are with me for me…I mean that or because they are passed out in the […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

So some fat chick, I’m talking hugely fucking fat chick, almost fatter than my wife, which is pretty fucking fat….chick….matched me on Tinder, because I right swipe everyone. Having no standards in anything I do leads me to a place where I take what I can get, but still judge the fuck out of it […]




stepLINKS of the Day

A photo posted by www.drunkenstepfather.com (@drunkenstepfatherdotcom) on Feb 10, 2015 at 2:50pm PST I know it isn’t morning, but when you’re an alcoholic who sleeps all day, when not at celebrity events with Taylor Swift and Hozier….Katy Perry and Diplo…Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith…and god knows who the fuck else, open bar has a tendency […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The worst thing about sexting is when you get a sexting nazi who decides that it is degrading to women to ask for spread asshole pics…leading to a negotiating process that leads to no spread asshole pics…but a lot of messages of nonsense involving, but not limited to, being called a creepy pervert…which in the […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

The failed sext of the day has been: “Feed me with your pussy, like you would feed a starving African baby you see in a back alley on your African Safari vacation you’ve been saving up for the last 3 years and finally got to take.”….you can interchange African Safaris with pretty much any situation […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

A photo posted by #stepGIRLS (@step_girls) on Jan 21, 2015 at 3:00pm PST The problem with snapchat is that I am given a 10 second window, sometimes less, to see a girl’s vagina, and assuming snapchat is the new porn vehicle, you know the way to make the normals stick things in their pussy comfortably, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Whenever I go to the laundromat to was my wife’s soiled underwear, I’m talking stains no one should ever see, smells no one should ever sell, possibly fabric that should go into quarantine….I stare at all the trash that surrounds me….and think….how long it would take to die in the dryer If you’re in New […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like to cause drama with the girls I sext, like we are in a real relationship, because it makes for more passionate sexting…so when I find out a girl bangs her boyfriend or husband, I reprimand them, and it always works out good for me, because it reminds me that real life relationships suck, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Christmas is over. That is depressing. It’s such a prime time for drinking…and taking advantage of girls… I guess our next series of festivities as an emotional/sexual predator will be New Years Eve..seeking and destorying the souls of hopeless romantic girls that just want that New Year’s kiss to start the year off with good […]