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Miley Cyrus Annoying Dance Party of the DAy

Miley Cyrus is one of the girls you’d punch in the face if you were allowed to punch a girl in the face because she’s got one of those faces, but legally, you can’t punch anybody in the face, even if what they do to you is far worse than you punching them in the […]




Miley Cyrus Hospital Porn of the Day

Am I wrong in thinking that the ideal Miley Cyrus hospital porn takes place in a code blue or whatever it is they call the bitch gone into a flatline, because she’s lived too long, too well, with no respect for the world or herself and that kind of punishment from God, on a religious […]




Miley Cyrus Drug Overdose of the Day

Miley Cyrus was hospitalized. The reason was a bad reaction to antibiotics she was taking due to a vaginal infection she got from her pants being jacked up her cunt so hard that it got infected….that has left her in the hospital for another night, because that’s not what happens when you have an allergic […]




Miley Cyrus Dancing with her Sister for Instagram of the Day

Miley Cyrus is a good influence on her tween sister. It’s like she’s paving the way to erotic stripper dancing, making it okay for her when she comes up to do something a little more hardcore now that Miley’s exhausted the options. Not to mention, she’s coming to age in a broken home now that […]




Miley Cyrus Topless Haircut of the Day

Miley Cyrus got a lesbian haircut topless and figured that she should share it in the world, because getting a lesbian haircut topless isn’t something she’d want to do in private, it’s something the fans should be in on, because she’s an attention seeking slut. Not that I’m complaining, I’m indifferent, it’s just when girls […]




Miley Cyrus for Elle of the Day

There’s something pretty weird about someone like Miley posing for a magazine, in some fashion shoot, all hipster wearing clothes and being subtle, I mean is she trying to fool us into thinking she’s a serious boy wonder and her stage show is just a show, while at home, she is more covered up, you […]




TOP 9 Miley Cyrus Performing in NYC of the Day

Sure they all look the same, but here are the best 9 pics of her show in NYC…that you can masturbate to, if you’re not bored of Miley Cyrus like the rest of the fucking world. 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9-




Miley Cyrus Cries During a Performance of the Day

I don’t know why I find girls crying…whether alone in the bottom of a shower, or outside of a bar while drunk, or even while performing in front of thousands of people…highly erotic. I think it is because I am in tune with my emotions and respect a woman who can really bring out hers, […]




Miley Cyrus Topless on a HOrse of the Day

I don’t know what this is all about, but either Miley is connecting with her country roots in an ungodly way, because the heartland loves Jesus and not this type of smut, or she’s just trying to cry for attention, letting the world know she has little shitty natural titties and that she’ll show them […]




Miley Cyrus Spits on Fans of the Day

I guess the highlight of the Miley Cyrus concert tour is not seeing her pussy being choked out by a leotard, or listening to some twerking Disney brat sing her shitty songs, while dressed like an EDM listening hipster at a rave…you know seeing her skinny little ass trying to jiggle like it was hip […]