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Miley Cyrus is Skinny, Blonde and Amazing of the Day

Anyone who reads this site probably knows that all guys like fit girls, no matter how fat their wives may be, or how dumpy the girls they fuck or try to fuck are, that shit is just a product of circumstance, and if they won the lottery, they wouldn’t bother with the garbage chicks, but […]




Miley Cyrus Got High and Took Pics of the Day

The last time I played dress up with a Unicorn Head….I was pretty fucked up….so it is safe to say that these pics of Miley running around her house playing with her expensive things…having the time of her life cuz she’s not allowed to leave her house…a prisoner in her fame and fortune….are a product […]




Miley Cyrus Flashing Some Bra in Some Self Shots of the Day

Miley Cyrus was pulling some teenage girl for Facebook, all duck faced showing bra, the way a teenager is supposed to act now that we live in this fast paced world with the internet, when back when I was a teen showing even bra strap would be humiliating for a girl as she got her […]




Miley Cyrus in a Hot Photoshoot of the Day

I don’t know what this Miley Cyrus shoot is from and I don’t even really care because it is boring, I don’t find it all that hot, I’d rather see her getting fucked or naked as she takes her career to the next level….but I bet this guy cares….I bet he knows exactly when it […]




Miley Cyrus Hick Brat Cleavage for the USA of the Day

This just in, it was July 4th yesterday….and Miley was up on that news so fast it was like she was at a pig roast at the county fair before setting off the fireworks….unfortunately, she’s just a spoiled brat, rich, annoying, garbage human so far off of the American way, that she is actually mocking […]




Miley Cyrus in a Hot Bra Dress of the Day

Miley Cyrus reminds me, especially in her tight dress rockin’ a bra for a dress in public, all push up bra, totally making her tits shine in all their glory…..that 19 year old girls…or 18 year old girls who will be 19 in a two months…are worth my fucking time….you see cuz they may be […]




Miley Cyrus in a Shitty See Thru of the Day

Miley Cyrus is a dream. I mean other than the whole inbred, half retarded, uneducated, not all that hot, in love with her daddy, spoiled fucking brat who thinks she is more important and talented than she actually is..part……but she’s a dream none the less…thanks to fucking Disney Execs at a young age to be […]




Miley Cyrus Amazing in a Belly Shirt of the Day

Miley Cyrus is amazing….sure she’s not any more amazing than the every day teen girls who dress equally slutty, with equally tight bodies, in ways they should be arrested for being kiddie porn producers just by leaving the house….if anything Miley is more fucking annoying, more spoiled, lives a more delusional, bratty insane life, that […]




Miley Cyrus Ass in the Best Shorts Ever of the Day

I am not an old timer who is shocked by the fashions of Today’s youth. I am in fact a pervert who fucking embraces it. I am just eagerly waiting for things to go crotchless and shirt to have titty holes cut into them…only cuz I like genitals and titties…but then again…I also like a […]




Miley Cyrus in Panties for a Music Video of the Day

I don’t know why Miley is taking pics of herself in her panties, I am just glad that she is, you see cuz she’s on some no carb diet and does pilates, and is 19 or 20, and that makes for a pretty amazing combination of reasons I want to see her in her fucking […]