I'll Make You Famous…




Bieber Licking Stripper Nipple of the Day

I was talking to a porn chick who agreed with the rumors I heard that Bieber had a huge penis, however, she had a friend who fucked him and apparently he lasted 20 seconds…if that makes you feel better about him being more man than you…not that his level of manliness even matters because he’s rich and famous and can’t even fuck 1% of the girls who want to fuck him, whether he had a herpes outbreak or not…

That said, here he is sucking stripper nipple with his homie, doing what user taught him, you know not gay if there are a set of implants in the mix and you each have a tit, even if the bitch has a dick…

Boom. Here’s an attempt of hetero proving gone wrong.

Posted in:Justin Bieber




Nude College Girls Filmed a Feminist Porno in Columbia’s Library of the Day

There’s a new Feminist movement that features young college girls who haven’t actually lived life or understand how the world works…but rather who are just using feminism as a strategic positioning to get noticed amongst all the other attention seeking girls they pretend to hate in order to build themselves up…pretty much fighting a fight in the lamest of ways because bras were already burned in a time they needed to be burned…at least until today…because today, these feminists are proving their point, a point I can’t really grasp, but maybe because I am the enemy to feminists, despite doing more for feminism that they ever have…like buying girls who never came vibrators. I give the gift of orgasm to repressed women….while these girls are shooting a porn in the library…for dudes like you to get off to…

I didn’t read the backstory and lesbian porn is anti-climatic, but when it is regular girls in a library, I can fuck with it…

It turns out it is for PURPLE

All I see is shitty quality girls who wish they were hot enough to do porn or model…but they are still encourage their followers to get naked everywhere no matter how ugly you are – and I agree with them on that…but I don’t think any of these girls should be considered “it” girls because they fucking suck.

Posted in:Videos




Terrell Davis Grabs Jackie Guerrido’s Weather Woman Tit of the DAy

Life lesson, when life gives you a busty, popular Telemundo host, who is known on the internet for having big tits, and who you probably won’t see ever again, or even remember because you don’t watch Telemundo, that’s for hispanics…you grab her fucking tits….

Posted in:Terrell Davis




Beyonce Posts her Grammy Rehearsal Thong Ass of the Day

Beyonce must be loving the attention she’s getting.

Ever since her man found Rihanna and probably fucked Rihanna, you can tell she’s been a little competitive, catty and bitter. I guess no girl like’s their husband’s side bitches, especially when the rest of the world is celebrating her too, not to mention when 75% of your husband’s revenue is coming in from her…she’s been trying to be the desirable one, the babe…she knew she had more talent, hell, in her mind she’s Beyonce, someone no one can’t compete with…but she know Rihanna was hotter…until now…

That’s why she posted these on her tumblr…it’s like “keep looking people, basque in this moment”….

Posted in:Beyonce




Miley Cyrus Titties for Love Magazine of the Day

I posted the pics from MILEY CYRUS NIPPLE IN W MAGAZINE earlier…and seeing as they involve Miley, a lecherous little twat who wants all eyes on her, one titty magazine spread wasn’t enough for her, she wanted more, and like a spoiled brat she got it…

So here are these pics of her in Love Magazine, showing enough areola to be considered a nipple to me…released on the same day…because I guess Miley’s people want everyone talking about Miley today…even though everyone’s had enough of Miley already…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Woman Steals News Reporters Van of the Day

This girl is pretty fucking amazing….

So the story goes that she works for a guy who owns an 11 bedroom vacation rental that is actually only 5 bedrooms, and when someone rented it only to find out that they couldn’t sleep 25 people, they wanted their money back, but the contract they signed said that they weren’t entitled to it, and the local news, who clearly have nothing better to do, ran after the story like it was an actual fucking story…

When they went to question this women, she asked them to leave, drove their car down the block and the news, like the pussies they are, called the police and now she’s been arrested for Grand Theft auto…wasting your tax dollars on nonsense, because she really just drove it down the fucking block…

Either way, insane story…but funny.

Posted in:Videos




Coolest Kid Smoking of the Day

Everyone knows smoking makes you look cool…This kid in Finland proves it. Fuck all the propaganda that smoking kills…because the only thing that kills is not smoking…when it makes you look so rock and roll…

Posted in:Videos




Christina Milian in a Bikini of the Day

Christina Milian needs to hire a photographer to take her selfies for her…I don’t even know what I am looking at other than a fuzzy badly lit mess that may or may not involve a set of tits in a bikini…that remind me of when I am driving at night and a black guy crosses the street like he’s the fucking invisible man…only the bikini version..it’s like girl, you’re rich, buy a camera, buy the latest iPhone, shit the companies will even comp you, pay a retoucher 10 dollars, run the pic by your team before it gets put up, because there’s a way to always look amazing, and that is by photoshopping your shit..or at least taking better pics…but as a pervert…I’ll still stare…because tits in a bikini are still tits in a bikini…

Posted in:Christina Milian




Kelly Brook in a Bikini of the Day

I think Kelly Brook’s hilarious…and by hilarious I mean fat.

Any girl with tits this big is bound to have a shitty fucking body black guys go nuts over…something I didn’t need her her choice in boyfriends to prove…

She is consistently fluctuating in sloppy ass, to decent ass, to good ass when photoshopped, but no one really ever cares about her ass, maybe because no one care about Kelly Brook, or maybe because those who do only care about her tits…because she’s a titty model, with big titties…who only exists because of her tits…and the rest of her just kinda rides her titty’s coat tails like her big boyfriend rides her…

She’s pushing 40, she’s not all that bad, and some of you weirdos find this kind of body womanly…even though all I see is lazy and too much sugar in her diet…that and big titties….


Looks like a Wet Diaper Fetish…

Posted in:Kelly Brook




LeAnn Rimes in a Bikini in Mexico of the Day

LeAnn Rimes may be the fucking worst, but she’s in a bikini and that is what matters to me…

I mean I guess I also like that she’s a walk contradiction, you know marketed as this virginal girl for the country Christian bible belt market, when really she was just a home wrecking, fake titty, hollywood cunt with a lot of money thanks to monetizing off all those loyal christians…

Christians you know still pray for her salvation and for her to see the light, and who still buy her albums because it would be un-Christian not to…even though LeAnn Rimes is everything Christians hate….

Proving yet again, if you market anything from music, to movies, to political agendas, go after the Jesus freaks…they listen….and are easy to manipulate…


Posted in:Leann Rimes