I'll Make You Famous…




Mila Kunis is GQ’s Knockout of the Year of the Day

There’s a pretty simple reason that Mila Kunis is the knockout of the year according to GQ …and that’s because she’s pretty much the hottest pussy in Hollywood and I’m not saying that cuz her pussy has been stolen by Culkin, or even cuz that rash Culkin left her is having a flare up, I’m saying that cuz she’s a small, tight little package I have always wanted to fuck….from the days as a 14 year old on That 70s Show…to the time I saw her doing some stage show that I wished was more stripping than reading Family Guy lines….to all the other shit she’s done…that I haven’t bothered seeing cuz it is non naked and I hate hollywood sex scenes…but would love to see her nude….making me agree with GQ on this one…Mila Kunis is the hottest pussy in Hollywood this year.

Posted in:Mila Kunis




Some Bottom Feeding Nothing Actress Releasing Toilet Pics for Attention of the DAy

This was emailed to me last night and I ignored it, because lets face it, nothing actresses named Marsha Thomas who was in “Into the Blue 2” and Lost….in staged pictures on the toilet just aren’t hot unless I see the shit coming out of their asses, or at least a little pussy lip….

Then more and more people started sending it my way and no one ever emails me…so it became clear that I was part of a PR stunt ring and I figured I’d just put it up even though I know this is a PR stunt to get on the blogs by some actress who is hardly famous…..and I’m only doing it cuz I like clean cotton panties…in all circumstances….around knees or on floors motherfucker….

Maybe she should step up her getting publicity game….in the form of showing her fucking vagina lips…

I can’t believe this is the kind of exclusives I get…the shit no one else will touch…except maybe Marsha Thomas….with that toilet paper…

Posted in:Marsha Thomas




stepNEWS of the Day

Here’s some news you low life trash that embarrsses me everyday cuz you’re too dumb to even grasp this shit….no offense or anything.

OH Man Turns Apartment Into Brothel
An Ohio man admits that he turned his apartment into a ‘massage parlor’ and was selling sex.

OH Cook Faces Charges For Giving 2-Year-Old Alcohol
A Canton, Ohio cook at a Japanese steakhouse gave a young boy Saki and squirted the boy a mouthful.

Caught on Tape: Escaped Suspect Crashes Trying To Get Away
An escaped suspect tried to get drive away from justice, but didn’t make it very far.

Cocaine Found in Horse Saddle
Police uncovered $500,000 of cocaine inside a horse saddle Tuesday in DeKalb County, Georgia.

Massachusetts School Bus Driver Shot In Head By Students’ Pellet Guns
A Lawrence school bus driver was shot in the head with a pellet gun, police said. The driver was hit while driving kids to school Tuesday morning. He was not hurt.

Boy gets stuck under school bus seat in Florida
Firefighters are used to helping people in tight spots, but nothing like what they found on an Orange County School bus Monday night.

Video Shows Dallas Police Officer Push Occupy Dallas Protester
Police are again investigating the Occupy Dallas movement. But this time they are looking at one of their own.

Woman Jailed in Sword Attack on Husband
A Chandler, Arizona man called police and said his wife was attacking him with a sword. The woman was arrested, but police say the man is now changing his story.

VA Physics Teacher Arrested For Being Drunk In Class
A Loudoun County teacher faces charges after police say he was drunk at school. The incident happened Monday at J. Michael Lunsford Middle School in South Riding.

Posted in:stepNEWS




Britney Spears Hot in Some Marilyn Manson Video of the Day

I don’t know what this is about….but I call it a publicity stunt that makes little sense….where Britney and her dancers do a dance routine set to Marilyn Manson’s Sweet Dreams, that’s pretty erotic, or attempt at making you think sex with her is this high production quality, coordinated dance routine, with masks like Eyes Wide Shut or some shit, lingerie and tits busting out of nighties….and the whole thing is hot as fuck…even if you know real sex with her is more like a nightmare, that likely smells like feces, sweat, tears and fast food…..but since that’ll never happen, even though I wish it did, this fantasy she produced is good enough for me….

Posted in:Britney Spears




Stacy Keibler Bikini Picture for Twitter of the Day

Stacy Keibler posted this picture of her bikini bottoms on twitter…because the press from fucking George Clooney isn’t enough for her….and the fact that he won’t cum in her is making the illegitimate pregnancy angle impossible for now….but she is doing follow up work…to remind us she’s still here while people are talking about her, by posting some bikini bottome pics to twitter and despite not having enough tit or leg in them, they’re hot enough for me…but that’s cuz I fuck fat girls….and hate fat girls….Enjoy.

Posted in:Stacy Keibler




Pippa Middleton’s Ass in the Wind of the Day

Sometimes the wind can be our best friend….I mean don’t tell that to Katrina Survivors, cuz they will just get mad, but sometimes, usually when the girl is wearing a loose enough fitting dress, the wind does wonders, getting that fabric jacked in all the right places…the wind has been responsible for me seeing ass, thong, pussy, and pussy definition all on girls I didn’t know who were just walking down the street and for that alone, I got no choice but to respect the wind, it’s better at picking up bitches than I am…and that wasn’t a tornado reference…or maybe it was..

Who cares, here’s Pippa…where even nature is stepping up and trying to push her into that slutty family disgace we all expected her to become….but hasn’t cuz she’s boring…even though we remind her every day that her sister’s way better than her…it’ll happen….I am sure of it…but this is all we got for now…

Posted in:Pippa Middleton




Elle Macpherson Promotes Lingerie by Not Wearing Lingerie of the Day

Elle Macpherson is the first supermodel I remember jerking off to back in 1989….before that…It was strictly national geographic and my foster mother who made me do it in her mouth…but that’s a whole other story about a 14 year old coming to america via a werid sex cult that shaped me to be the man I am today…..and that’s not important, what is important is the shape of Elle Macpherson, 20 years later, looking just as lovely and the only disappointment is that she’s peddling undergarments, you know panties and such, but she’s too insecure and 50 to wear the shit for us, instead she’s taking the Liz Hurley “I’m a business woman now, I am not an object who looks amazing naked, I save that for the cunts I hire, while I rake in the millions”….and that’s one major flaw in capitalism and the american dream…immigrants taking our job.

Posted in:Elle Macpherson




Marisa Miller Milking Football to get Noticed of the Day

I know Marisa Miller’s got an awesome hard body that she works hard on….but I just can’t get past how old and hard her face is….like an ex stripper who somehow slept her way into the SI Swimsuit issue….where she played up being all american, and the perfect chick for dudes, whether masturbating herself against a harley, or a gibson guitar….American staples, now she’s gone onto the NFL where she talks about her love of football, the perfect girl, or just a good self promoter…who knows…but here she is merging your favorite thing…girls and sports…and if you watch it on mute it’s better, cuz who cares what this botox face has to say or the lies she spews…we just wanna see more titty…

Posted in:Marisa Miller




Hilary Duff Pregnancy Watch of the Day

There’s only so many times you can post pictures of a pregnant bitch, day after day, before you start feeling creepy, like a stalker, obsessed with her pregnancy in a sexual way….

Luckily, I never feel creepy, I just figure it’s all part of my personality, and we might as well embrace it cuz I’ not changing that, but I do wish I was changing Hilary Duff’s underwear for her…all lubricated with pregnancy drool.

I love her.

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Mila Kunis In Some Tight Jeans of the Day

Mila Kunis may be in tight jeans….but I’d prefer her in no jeans…she is one of the hottest vaginas in hollywood, keeping it all stuffy and caught up under all that fabric should be an offense….instead, shit should be in a trophy case, with spotlights on it at all times…touring town to town…letting all the people look and touch….but I gues that’s just fantasy, so I’ve got no choice but to be satisfied with what I got…which are these shitty fucking pics…

Posted in:Mila Kunis