I'll Make You Famous…




Amanda Seyfried Spandex Short Dog Walker of the Day

Everything is amazing about Amanda Seyfried….even when she’s boring I still want to lock her in my basement and whisper sweet nothings in her ear as I stroke her hair and tell her I’ll never let her go…not to sound creepy or anything…she’s just got a spell on me and that’s my argument for court…she made me do it by seducing me via movie roles she got naked in and paparazzi picture I could tell she was staging for me……not to sound creepy or anything…

She has got it going on…on all levels…looks. career, body, tits, the fact that she gets naked for money…..and she’s even better when she drops the dumpy, sloppy, unshowered (even though I’d love to give her a sponge bath with my tongue) look…..and throws her hot little twat into some fucking spandex….

She’s good.

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Lingerie Football League Catfight of the Day

Here’s a clip the Lingerie Football League put up yesterday of bitches getting into a bit of a brawl, scrating and punching each other in a way that I can only assume is set up by the Lingerie Football league to remind the world they still fucking exist and aren’t just some Superbowl Publicity stunt from 4 or 5 years ago….

I’m all for orgnaized events on any level that feature half naked bitches running around, or even sitting, in groups or alone, playing sports or doing nothing, because I’m a pervert….and when there’s some violence between them, it makes it more pornographic and funny….especially when it’s clearly a race war….Can’t we all just get along?

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Reese Witherspoon’s Battered Face Showing off Legs of the Day

I have a feeling some of your sick fucks like seeing a bitch who has been run over, or beaten down, showing off her wounds for erotic purposes…you weird wife beating, woman hating, asshole…….I have a feeling that I am a sick fuck who likes seeing Reese Witherspoon showing off her wounds, because she fucking sucks….and I’m a Reese Witherspoon hating, enjoy seeing her beaten, asshole….

Here are her legs and bandaged head, cuz apparently she got run over for publicty, just not run over good enough, cuz she’s walking about…

So these pictures have a little something for all of us….it is like the United Nations of posts.

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Melanie Iglesias Does Halloween Bullshit of the Day

I wrote about Melanie Iglesias, a Hometown Hottie for Maxim, the dying publisher for frat boys and jocks who once featured me and who once paid me for traffic years ago even though I hate them…..yesterday….

Well it turns out she’s a way bigger deal than I thought. she’s got a huge fan bases and releases her own videos, rock’s twitter and youtube for a lot of fucking people, and she’s using her stardom or low level of stardom to leverage into something bigger, by making clever videos of her in every fetish costume you can think of in this flipbook for the intenet that you may masturbate to even though she’s not all that bomb….but good enough cuz she’s half naked….

She’s likely not related to Julio and Enrique, cuz if she was she wouldn’t be bottom feeting like this, so thank god not all spics are the same…..

So here she is in many costumes…

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Arianny Celeste Showing Off Her Ass for Twitter of the Day

UFC is some of the gayest shit around to watch, so they pepper it with ideas of heterosexuality, like the fact the dudes rolling around half naked and sweaty are trying to kill each other and the token hot bitches who look like they were pulled out of a stripclub and told to do the same thing only with less nudity and more signs with the round numbers on them….

Uninteresting considering this bitch should be a hooker in her native Las Vegas, something I feel she was before UFC picked her up, I mean how else did they find her….but still okay cuz it reminds us that twitter is the hand held tool for women to make bad judgement calls on their part, good judgement calls on our part, by posting slutty pics of themselves…and whether she’s a slut or not in her day job or if we’ve seen her naked our not…self shot, self produced knotty like my pubic hair behavior needs to be celebrated….

Here she is in some tight litle booty shorts…

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Hilary Duff Pregnancy Leggings of the Day

I am a sick, sick, sick fucking man…The thoughts I have of Hilary Duff as a pregnant chick are almost criminal…I’m exagerating…I’m not that weird…but I find it weird that I am having sexual thoughts about Hilary Duff in recent years, you know since she went from teen billionaire, skinny and wholesome and underaget to some thick married bitch you laugh about once wanting to fuck her when you run into her at the CVS buying chocoloate on sale….I didn’t even find her being used in Hockey team initiations hot, she did nothing for me as her back got muscular and I assumed her husband tried to make her look more like his teammates for sexual purposes……but the second that uterus got filled, and his shit stuck, I got to paying attention…one might even say obsessing over everything about this thing…mainly what it’d be like to be her gynecologist…playing with her vagina during routine exams…using my tongue as a speculum hoping she doesn’t notice….lucky bastard….here are her pregnancy leggings holding it all together….

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Pippa Middleton Practicing her Slut Strut of the Day

I like the believe that this is Pippa practicing for a scene in her sex tape she is going to leak where she’s wearing nothing but a man’s shirt….and her little round breast peaks through……because I like to believe that Pippa Middleton is like every other girl out there, catty as fuck and jealous of every other girl, especially their sister….cuz no one likes to be the second in line in terms of success, popularity and pride of their parents….her sister is going to be the fucking queen…where does that leave her? Anything she does is second fucking rate….only to shut everyone up via nudity, sex and humiliating all those people who try to take all her glory and make her existence feel inadequate…..

I’m keeping the hope she pulls through alive….so her breaking point to slutting out watch continues…

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Jessica Simpson’s Big Old Tits of the Day

I look at these pictures and all I see is a tainted slut….the girl who has let everyone inside her…likely without a condom…cuz Hollywood doesn’t do condoms….seeking some sort of man who is more famous than her to increase her value as an actor, using her vagina, like she was Jennifer Aniston…..the younger years…..all insecure in herself and in her career despite it being a success…wanting more and filling that void with famous cock….

And for some reason…I love it….cuz sluts are my jam, they make the girl go round and without them I’d never have sex and I’d never have herpes…they really mean it when they say it is the gift that keeps on giving….

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Snooki at a Book Signing….We’re All Doomed of the Day

How humiliating to society is it that Snooki is doing a book signing….We should all just kill ourselves now for the shame we should feel for letting this happen…or at least Barnes and Noble should kill themselves…or the staff of experts to try to target books to youth should be treated like staffers in factories in china and publicly shot so that it doesn’t happen again….

What the fuck could Snooki have to say that is even remotely interesting, thought provoking, or not destructive to the minds of any idiot who buys what I can only imagine is a picture book of cheesy fucking trash….

Here’s the fat, pudgy, midget looking piece of shit digracing the literary world by making mockery of the shit….

Satan is amongst us….and she’s fucking tacky, chubby, goblin looking troll that is ugly, and full of shit while covered in cheesy make-up….Let’s make a horror movie out of this and hunt it down and kill it before it gets our children…this shit is out of hand…

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