I'll Make You Famous…




I am – One of My Reader's 19 Year Old Girlfriend When She Was 19 Nude of the Day


One of my readers posted a link to his girlfriend in the comments, I downloaded them and this is me posting them for you.

I don’t buy this story for a second, not because she’s hot, let’s face it, she’s pretty much a candidate for a looking good sweetheart link… I don’t buy it cuz I know that you don’t actually get laid and finding pics of topless kitchen trash on the internet isn’t really that fucking hard. This is the kind of girl that you are embarrassed of getting a blowjob from when you pick her up at a shitty bar drunk at 4 am and a blowjob is all that’s on your mind, at least she’s got some weird obsession with the confederate flag. Fuck off.

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I am – Beyonce’s See-Thru Shirt of the Day


I have been getting dissed by other bloggers for posting “OLD” pictures of Fergie working out and that Lohan coinslot video from 2 years ago. I wish I could say it’s cuz I have a life, but I really don’t. I jut trouble remembering what happened yesterday to that makes me incompetent in bringing you the freshest shit, but there’s nothing wrong with a little sloppy seconds, just think about how many guys the last girl you fucked had…

I guess what it really comes down to is that I don’t give a fuck about celebrity, have no skills in spotting celebs, can’t be bothered knowin what they are up to….I am too busy thinking about my next drink and more importantly, every single vagina I’ve ever seen in my life, on repeat like it was a scratched record or something.

I also have trouble remembering what I’ve posted about because I try to block the shit I write, probably out of embarrassment.

Speaking of embarrassment, my wife started doing sit-ups in the living room and by living room I mean our bedroom, because we are 4 people in a one bedroom apartment. She said she’s trying to lose weight to be sexy for me, I’ve called her fat so much that she’s stopped eating, I figure if she doesn’t eat for the next 8 years, she’ll look good enough, but that’s unlikely, I am sure she’ll be back to the donuts by Monday.

Speaking of donuts, here’s a Myspace message I sent a chick yesterday…..


I run a website that features fat chicks daily, I wanted to know if you’d like to be one of the models. It will make you famous and it sure beats sitting in a donut shop getting fatter…

With Love

Jesus Martinez

And here are some old or new Beyonce nipple pics…

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I am – Beyonce's See-Thru Shirt of the Day


I have been getting dissed by other bloggers for posting “OLD” pictures of Fergie working out and that Lohan coinslot video from 2 years ago. I wish I could say it’s cuz I have a life, but I really don’t. I jut trouble remembering what happened yesterday to that makes me incompetent in bringing you the freshest shit, but there’s nothing wrong with a little sloppy seconds, just think about how many guys the last girl you fucked had…

I guess what it really comes down to is that I don’t give a fuck about celebrity, have no skills in spotting celebs, can’t be bothered knowin what they are up to….I am too busy thinking about my next drink and more importantly, every single vagina I’ve ever seen in my life, on repeat like it was a scratched record or something.

I also have trouble remembering what I’ve posted about because I try to block the shit I write, probably out of embarrassment.

Speaking of embarrassment, my wife started doing sit-ups in the living room and by living room I mean our bedroom, because we are 4 people in a one bedroom apartment. She said she’s trying to lose weight to be sexy for me, I’ve called her fat so much that she’s stopped eating, I figure if she doesn’t eat for the next 8 years, she’ll look good enough, but that’s unlikely, I am sure she’ll be back to the donuts by Monday.

Speaking of donuts, here’s a Myspace message I sent a chick yesterday…..


I run a website that features fat chicks daily, I wanted to know if you’d like to be one of the models. It will make you famous and it sure beats sitting in a donut shop getting fatter…

With Love

Jesus Martinez

And here are some old or new Beyonce nipple pics…

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I am – stepLINKs of the Day


I got into a situation today when I went to a friends house for lunch. He took me to a strip mall diner 30 minutes out of the city like we were on a fucking bus tour or some shit and when when we got there the food tasted like shit. So here I am in a fucking suburban wasteland looking at the massive parking lot we’re in and I start freaking out, I couldn’t figure out what the point of the expedition was because I guess I am not an explorer. To make the day worse, I went back to his house for beer because he felt bad that I hated the strip mall so much, we get to drinking and dude turns on the tv. Everyone Loves Raymond is on and dude starts launghing at all the shitty jokes. I guess I hate a lot of things, but at least that allows me to know what I like and one of the things I fucking hate is Ray Romano and he stupid voice and bad jokes…

Speaking of bad jokes, here’s some bad links….assholes.

How Many Sets of Tits Can One Site Get Emailed to Them

Merkley’s Got Horns….

10 Type of Women You Need to Avoid…

Merkley Does Taxidermy

Some Vintage Porn

This Photography is the Kind of Photography I’d Do if I could Afford to Get My Camera Fixed

Fat Guy from American Idol in the Hawaiian Shirt is Looking for a Lady…

Jessica Biel’s Ass Video

Jason Alexander Singing about the McDLT

Carmen Electra For Coke in a Bikini Looking Hot

Cameron Diaz Shaking Her Ass Video

This is some Lame Cam Girl Clip Called a Students Dream

Public Showering Video

Hot Pink Suits Manon

Daily Updated Amateur Porn that’s Not Safe for Work

Julieta Prandi in a Thong

Bathing Suit Dancers…

Amy WInehouse Sings Songs and Looks Like She Takes it in the Batty

Dina Lohan Talks about Lohan’s Rehab Trip…

Here’s a Little Beach Sex…Video

Here’s a T-Shirt Folding Instructional VIdeo

Some Dumb Blonde Chicks on Camera

Two Big Girls Beating Each Other Up Because They Come From Good Homes

Laurie Skinny Dipping…

Another Skinny Dipping Video…It’s Really Not that Funny…

THis is so fucking gay, there better be a chick here as the motivation, but I have a feeling they are just on the same yodeling team…fuckin austrians and their yodeling…

These Girls are Going Fucking Nuts in the Shower

Czech Rappers are Almost as Cool As Czech Pornstars

Lots of Pics of College Chicks

Oprah had a baby when she was 14. I wasn’t the baby daddy. Unfortunately. Cuz Oprah is hot…

Jennifer Walcott in a Bikini to End The Week

Michelle Merkin for the Weekend

Some Big Brother UK Racism Controversy With Pics

Gisele Not Wearing a Top

This Guy Is Cooler Than Me Cuz He Eats Tampons….

Supermarket of the Stars Part 3

Psycho -Christians are Fucking Crazy

This Video is Called Psycho Porn Chick

Bob Dylan Wrote All The Best Songs of the Past Four Decades

Sofia Vergera Photoshoot

The New Wonder Woman Star Olivia Munn Has A Myspace

Here’s a Wicked Weasel Girl For You To Love

Lookin’ Good Sweetheart, Let’s Sacrifice the Cat to our Lord Satan

Here’s a Sky Scraper Implosion of the Day

Spray and Get Laid, Admit that took Talent

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I am – Some Dude’s Homemade Comic Strip of the Day

I just got home and I am drunk. I didn’t drink very much but I took allergy medication cuz I couldn’t breathe out of my nose and it fucked me up. Adding booze to the mix made it so much better. The night was a blur and I only had 3 drinks. I guess it doesn’t matter, I came home to find one of my readers trying to upstage me and I have no problem helping him outshine me because I am kinda bored of all this writing all the time and this dudes out fucking whores with dildos, something I’ve never been able to pull off all these years because sex toys were always way out of my budget and the one time I made one at home out of candle girls would get skeptical about rockin it. I think it was all the grime it was covered in, but that’s not the point, the point is that allergy pills and booze make a great fucking combo, but don’t talk my word for it…I heard it may kill you which wouldn’t be so bad cuz no one will notice you’re gone….

Here’s that comic strip.

Mr. Chris’s Comics. Episode 1: Neal’s Sisterly Love. See what you think. Was bored at work and couldn’t decide whether to go masturbate to the Sears catalog in the office bathroom, or tell a story with pretty pictures of fat strippers and dildos (all my photos).

They’re sequential…so you know…start with Frame 1. Enjoy. If you post it make sure to include the whole TOO BE CONTINUED….type of thing. I didn’t have time to finish the whole story, started fantasizing about the down syndrome chick who works at the Starbucks in our building….what I need to do is get some pictures of that…mmmmmmm…down syndrommmmmeee……

-Mr. Chris

To Be Continued…

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I am – Some Dude's Homemade Comic Strip of the Day

I just got home and I am drunk. I didn’t drink very much but I took allergy medication cuz I couldn’t breathe out of my nose and it fucked me up. Adding booze to the mix made it so much better. The night was a blur and I only had 3 drinks. I guess it doesn’t matter, I came home to find one of my readers trying to upstage me and I have no problem helping him outshine me because I am kinda bored of all this writing all the time and this dudes out fucking whores with dildos, something I’ve never been able to pull off all these years because sex toys were always way out of my budget and the one time I made one at home out of candle girls would get skeptical about rockin it. I think it was all the grime it was covered in, but that’s not the point, the point is that allergy pills and booze make a great fucking combo, but don’t talk my word for it…I heard it may kill you which wouldn’t be so bad cuz no one will notice you’re gone….

Here’s that comic strip.

Mr. Chris’s Comics. Episode 1: Neal’s Sisterly Love. See what you think. Was bored at work and couldn’t decide whether to go masturbate to the Sears catalog in the office bathroom, or tell a story with pretty pictures of fat strippers and dildos (all my photos).

They’re sequential…so you know…start with Frame 1. Enjoy. If you post it make sure to include the whole TOO BE CONTINUED….type of thing. I didn’t have time to finish the whole story, started fantasizing about the down syndrome chick who works at the Starbucks in our building….what I need to do is get some pictures of that…mmmmmmm…down syndrommmmmeee……

-Mr. Chris

To Be Continued…

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I am – Fergie Working Out of the Day


There isn’t much better than a sweaty crackhead doing some kind of arch thing with her back while hugging her boyfriend. In these pictures, that crackhead is Fergie and the sweaty arch thing would get me hard provided I was capable.

It reminds me of my night at the stripper where I saw a 20 pound overweight girl who must have been classically trained in ballet doing the splits all kind. I know fat people and without any training there would be no way bitch could move like that.I also saw three dudes walk out of the bathroom stall together, I can only assume ripping lines to help give them the courage needed to ask a stripper for a lap dance, because it’s not like it’s not her fucking job and getting a lap dance is a lot like ordering a big mac at McDonalds. It also reminds me of the stripper with cement feet would couldn’t get more that 8 inches off the ground on the pole, I am not a stripper coach but I should be, and this bitch was moving like she strapped down to the stage….the highlight was when an older mother hen stripper was on the side of the stage guiding cement feet to drop her top and flash her box….I guess all this is to say that Fergie dances like she’s professionally trained, does drugs like she’s trying to muster up the courage to get a lap dance and is a lot like a dancing monkey with people lookin over her telling her what to do and when to flash her pussy like the new stripper with cement….if none of that makes sense, it’s cool, I am sure you aren’t even reading…..don’t worry, either am I, Asshole.

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I am – Nicole Richie and Sophie Monk at the Airport of the Day


These pics are probably not that interesting to you and I understand why. They aren’t interesting to me either but It’s 4:30 and I figured I needed something to post and couldn’t really find anything naked, bikini so I went with this, probably a bad choice but it happens. It looks like Richie is trying to work her way into the Charlotte family by getting tight with her boyfriends gay brother’s hot fiance. I am not a psychiatrist but I am going to say she’s doing this cuz her mother abandoned her when she was a kid and since then she’s been looking for the ideal family unit. Unfortunately, she fucked up like most ex-addicts do and ended up with a couple of Poser shitty band motherfuckers…but she’ll keep holding onto the dream like she is holding onto this Monk chicks hand…trying to never lose what she’s always wanted….

Enough of that, it as pretty fucking lame, even if it’s true…I guess the point of this is to say that I figured out how to spot an adopted black chick from a crowd of people, it’s pretty fucking simple, first she’ll be sitting at a table in an Irish Pub, singing along to Sweet Caroline and eating some Bangers and Mash with 6 which chicks who look like they had no friends in highschool, just like you..You know the kind of girl you wouldn’t admit to fucking when all the pretty girls were dating dudes in college…

Either way here are some boring Nicole pics of her boring life from a boring site to a boring you…cuddles…

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I am – stepLINKS of the Day


Some losers are dissing me in my comments because they saw the Paris Hilton pics first thing in the morning on some gay celebrity site. I don’t read gay celebrity sites so I guess that’s why I wasn’t quicker. I would say something like that I have a life or better things to do, but I guess I really don’t…because sitting on my couch with my computer on my lap probably doesn’t count as having a life to most people, I am probably the type of person suburban people would call losers cuz we can’t hold a job, sleep with hookers and drink every night, lucky for me people realized that the loser way is the more entertaining way. That said the new breed of loser is the kind of guy who tells me exactly what time the pics hit the internet, and that kind of person is a serious loser, the kind of guy who would have killed himself a few years ago, but unfortunately he’s found purpose on the internet….I still have no purpose and I don’t even know if this post makes sense, I wrote it in 2 sittings but here are my steplinks…

Crazy Asian Dude Loves Obstacle Courses

Vintage Danish Sex Group

Cheryl Tweedy Is A Disaster with a Thong On….

Marilyn Chambers is a Pornstar who sings…

Britney Spears is not Pregnant

Lookin Good Sweetheard

P. Diddy Checking Out some Biel Boob

Wild Eva and Friends…Naked

Kristin Cavallari Outtakes

This is Called The Library Prank and I have no idea if it is Funny

3 Cam Girls Dancing Around Naked

Bastardly Minute with Emily Scott

Vegas at an Afterhours with Cunt Shots

These guys party with celebrities, I have no idea what celebrities look like, so there may be some in this gallery

Rachel Bilson for Maxim Video

Too Many Rave Drugs for this Hippie

Some Girl Faking an Orgasm Badly

Another bad fake orgasm…

Bai Link is Bi-Sexual – Who Cares…

This chick is double jointed

Some dude steals from a hospital patient

Halle Berry Panty Upskirt

Miri Henai Bikini Video

Team Canada Were Local Stars Now They Are Hitting the International Scene. Support.

Tricia Helfer in Playboy

You will get off to this

DV Social Experiment – The Pick Up Line

Katie Holmes and Posh Spice Kinda Look The Same

Some Demi Moore Nude Pics Should Be Hitting the Internet Soon, I hope She’s Spread-Eagled in them

Naked Flickr Girl’s Nipple

Some GIrl With A Vibrator

Worst Dad Ever, At Least He’s Not Giving His Son a Little Diddle.

Some Weird American Idol Audition

Cam Show For You Cuz I’m Bringing Softcore Back…

She’s a Tiger…

Looking Good Sweetheart..Probably One Of You Better Day

This is some free ex-girlfriend porn videos

Jewel Writes Slutty Poetry Because I Used to Love Her Tits, But Not The Fact that She Didn’t Shave her Tree-Hugging Twat

Hot Polaroids of Bitches…and by Bitches I mean Ladies

Some New Website I’ve Never Heard Of…

This Celebrity Stalker is way fucking Better than I am….

Aussie Slag in Water

A little Roid Rage –

Eva Green in Dreamers – A Throw Back to Hollywood Sex Scenes

This will get you laid if you like sex you’ll like this…

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I am – Paris Caught With Her Pants Down of the Day


I was just watching Porky’s, I haven’t seen this movie in a long fucking time and there’s all kinds of pussy in it. Hairy Pussy. The kind of pussy I like. The gym teacher who grabs the dudes cock in the shower looks a lot like my wife did when we first met, since then she’s let herself go. If she still had that tight(er) body I probably wouldn’t have psychologically blocked erections…I know to the average person that bitch is disgusting, but I have never really had any standards….

I know that there’s some asshole posting in my comments pretending to be my young hot wife standing at 5 ft 9 and weighing 118 praising me for owning her box and offering me non-stop blowjobs. I would like to ask that person to step forward, because despite the fact that you aren’t really my wife, it doesn’t mean you never will be….

Here’s someone I don’t want to have as a wife caught with her pants down on the site of some shitty movie called Hottie and Nottie. Obviously this is not the first time, because let’s face it she’s a slut. If this was the Golden Globes she’d win best cunt we’ve all seen get fucked….

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