I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Team Fuck's Guide To Getting Laid

First of all, lets start off by setting some ground rules. If you are looking to go out on a weekend and pick up some drunken slut, then this guide isn’t for you. Anybody with half a brain, deodorant, and enough money for beer can get laid on a weekend. This is a guide for getting the girl you actually WANT to fuck. Hopefully you have already made contact with said female, maybe you have even gone on a date or two, if so, this guide will help you seal the deal (in under a week). As we all know, there is an infinite amount of “guide to getting women” type of editorials out there, some work, most don’t. This guide is based purely on self-experiences…and successes, with a bit of self-input and common sense it will work for you too. Enjoy.

Guide To Getting Laid – After The Jump

Step 1: Pay Attention To Everything!

… No Matter how boring she is. When you first start dealing with a girl you are both on the same level; same general interest in each other, same common goals. The only difference is that you’re the guy, you want to fuck her, and she knows that. If this was a game (which it is) the score is already 1- 0 at kickoff. That’s where paying attention comes into play. If she mentions a restaurant she likes, mothers name, hometown…whatever! Remember it! Girls like to throw in little pieces of information and ask you again later, if you remember it, point for you, if you forget…point for her. My best friend (and co founder of Team Fuck) was on a date with a girl one time when she mentioned she liked a certain type of flower, the motherfucker made a note of that shit in his phone, just so he would remember! Of course this could go the other way too; if the girl hates flowers because she’s sensitive to all things living and doesn’t like when they die like the useless little plant they are (sorry, I’m bitter)…remember that too.

Step 2: Learn Her Mannerisms

This one can be tricky because women are more indecisive then Jesus Martinez at a cattle auction. You can find a list of women’s positive mannerisms all over the Internet, but there’s only a few that are really easy to notice. For one, if she crosses her legs towards you it’s a good sign, it shows that she is comfortable and open with you. If she leans away and farts, it’s probably not good. Touching is also something to pay attention too, if she puts a hand on your arm after you make a joke, that’s another good sign. If she is rubbing your cock in the middle of the street, then maybe you should be writing this guide. A lot of these things depend on the girls personality and how well you know each other, if you have been friends prior it can be hard to tell when she’s being friendly and when she’s being flirty. With a little common sense it shouldn’t take long to figure out.

Step 3: Break the tension

You both know what the deal is, so instead of trying to hide it, casually let her know that you know she knows (got that?). Say something like “I like that I can be cool with you, I don’t always have to think about what to say”. Boom! In one sentence you let her know that A: things feel good, B: you know how the game is played, C: she’s better than most of your other dates and D: your not making everything up. Which leads me to step 4…

Step 4: Make everything up

Well not really, but at least think ahead, awkward silence is the WORST. You should always have a few questions or topics up your sleeve, just incase. Keep the topic on her, act interested, and make sure it’s not a stupid “come here often?” kind of question. I usually ask questions about her education or interests (because you remembered, right?). A good example would be “So you went to school for cinema right? What’s your favorite movie?” If you already planted Step 3 She’ll think you care, and not just pulling a question from the list in your pocket, it also keeps it open and leads to conversation. Stay away from yes or no questions and questions about her physical attributes, she may be self-conscious and will know that you’ve noticed.

Step 5: When’s and Where’s

There’s a time and place for everything. If you on a dinner date which seems to be going well, ALWAYS pick up the tab. If she’s not a wallet watching gold digger she will argue with you or offer to pay half. Handle this situation with care! Say something like “It’s alright, you get it next time”. If she’s into you she’ll let off, knowing that there is going to be a “next time”. Now, if she is persistent in paying the bill, it can mean a number of things; either she’s not into you at all and doesn’t want to owe you anything, she’s a control freak, or knows your broke. None of which are good. However, if you have had several dates prior and paid for everything, it may be a good idea to let her pay for it. Women like to know that they can hold their own, they don’t like being dependant on men, which is good, cause we don’t like payin’ for shit.

Step 5: Seal the deal

When the date is coming to its end, it gets awkward again; It’s inevitable, so just be prepared. This is probably the first time both of you have had to make a heavy decision, and there’s no real smooth way to go about doing it. Hopefully by now you have a pretty good idea of how she’s feeling towards you and you already know you wanna lay pipe, so step up to the plate playa, or its hand ball for the rest of the night. The first thing you’ve got to decide is it gunna be your place or hers. Usually it’s whoever lives closest, but if you place is a complete disaster and you know for a fact it smells like rotting flesh, then offer to walk her home. If it’s a cab ride away, then tell her you’ll split the cab with her. If she declines, then you know it’s a no go, if she accepts, then you’re in…almost. Once you catch a cab it’s a race against time, keep up the conversation and make hints at your destination. If it’s her place then say something like, “are you still in the same neighborhood?” or “is your roommate still pissing you off?” Keep it general and not too obvious, but obvious enough that your thinking about her house and not yours. If she asks you to come in, then the rest is up to you. I can only tell you so much with out ruining for my self. Is she sends you on your way, tell the cabbie to take you the nearest club. ‘Cause when in doubt, there’s always, ALWAYS drunk sluts. Always.

Now before you fuckers start getting excited you should know that this is based on my personal experience and, obviously, my personality. If you want to be the funny guy that chicks fuck because they feel sorry for you, that’s cool. If you’re the complete meathead that girls fuck because they just broke up with their boyfriend and want to get back at him in the worst way possible…that’s cool too. If you’re a bling-bling-balla-baby that can pretty much buy pussy, fuck you; go buy some ice, flossy. But for all you regular guys just looking for some decent pussy, follow those steps while wearing a Team Fuck shirt that says, “I love pussy”. It may, or may not be the best idea, but at least you’ll look cool while failing miserably. However, survey says chicks dig the Fuck. So fuck on, fuckers. I know this has been a brief overview, but I hate writing as much as you hate reading. If you have anymore questions, email: teamfu.k@gmail.com . If this guide works for you, let us know, and we’ll send you that t-shirt!


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I am – Alana Dante Sex Tape

This is the latest in celeb sex tapes. I know I have never heard of this twat but she’s supposed to be some pop singer from another country. I have enough trouble keeping up with my “Peeping Tom” hobby. The naughty housewives I watch rarely suck cock like this. Seriously, this girl does it weird, I blame her Belgian roots.

Alana Dante Sex Tape (Via Rapidshare)

How To Use Rapidshare (Idiots)

The Dante Story

Lyrics to her song – after the jump

Disco Suppa Girl:
Hey everybody let’s top all the charts
’cause here’s your disco-suppa-girl

Put your hands in the air
One, two, three… drop it!

I think it’s goin’ around
Be ready for a go-go way
On the waves in the air at night
I’m a rider on a disco-train

Shake it, shake it, everybody
Shake it, shake it, tonight
Shake it, skahe it, shake it, are you ready?
This girl’s gonna take you high

I wanna be your disco-suppa-girl, baby
Yeah yeah yeah
Let me be your number 1 suppa star honey
Common and dance now

Boogie woogie boogie woogie
boogie woogie baby

Hey now, hey now, everybody

I’ll show you how to do it right
Take a ride like a number one
You’re welcome at the boogie night

Shake it, shake it, are you ready?
Shake it, shake it, wowowow
Shake it, shake it, everybody
This girl’s gonna take you high

I wanna be your disco-suppa-girl, baby
Let me be your number 1 suppa star, honey
Common and dance now

Common and dance now

Shake it, shake it, are you ready?
Shake it, shake it, wowowow
Shake it, shake it, shake it everybody
Yeah yeah yeah

I wanna be your disco-suppa-girl, baby
Let me be your number 1 suppa star honey
Common and dance now


I wanna be your Disco-suppa-girl
Wowowowow Disco-suppa-girl
You’re welcome at the boogie-night
Let’s boogie woogie all night long

I think it’s goin’ around

This post was made possible by WTFPEOPLE

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I am – Fred Durst’s Sex Tape Lawsuit

Fred Durst, like the bitch that his penis proved to us that he is, is going insane with the sex tape bullshit. Motherfucker has got his lawyers up on this, like his girl was all up on the “reach around”. His embarassment from saying “Touch My Ass” peaked and now he is pressing charges. The people being sued are the emperors of the blog world, Gawker Media and it is for $80 million dollars. I am pretty sure he’s not going to win this, but I guess it’s great publicity for the Gawker empire and for Durst’s dwindling career. His appearance in “Pauly Shore is Dead” obviously wasn’t good enough.

I am not scared of the law, I have been to jail too many times to care, and the worse thing that could happen is that we get shut down, cuz we can’t afford to fight a superstar like Durst. But we do want to be brought down. We think it would be funny as hell, we were afterall one of the top results in Yahoo! for Fred Durst Sex Tape.

Point of this is to say that Durst’s a bitch and if you want to read more on it check out:

The Smoking Gun Legal Documents


Gawker Speaks Out

Fleshbot Speaks Out

Popdoh In on the Action Too!

I want to be brought down for this…someone let Fred’s people know…


I am – Fred Durst’s Sex Tape

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I am – Fred Durst's Sex Tape Lawsuit

Fred Durst, like the bitch that his penis proved to us that he is, is going insane with the sex tape bullshit. Motherfucker has got his lawyers up on this, like his girl was all up on the “reach around”. His embarassment from saying “Touch My Ass” peaked and now he is pressing charges. The people being sued are the emperors of the blog world, Gawker Media and it is for $80 million dollars. I am pretty sure he’s not going to win this, but I guess it’s great publicity for the Gawker empire and for Durst’s dwindling career. His appearance in “Pauly Shore is Dead” obviously wasn’t good enough.

I am not scared of the law, I have been to jail too many times to care, and the worse thing that could happen is that we get shut down, cuz we can’t afford to fight a superstar like Durst. But we do want to be brought down. We think it would be funny as hell, we were afterall one of the top results in Yahoo! for Fred Durst Sex Tape.

Point of this is to say that Durst’s a bitch and if you want to read more on it check out:

The Smoking Gun Legal Documents


Gawker Speaks Out

Fleshbot Speaks Out

Popdoh In on the Action Too!

I want to be brought down for this…someone let Fred’s people know…


I am – Fred Durst’s Sex Tape

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I am – Team Fuck Does Stepfather

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Team Fuck was invited to join Drunken Stepfather months ago, but I decided to wait untill I had somthing to say. To be honest, I couln’t think of anything… untill now! Vegans suck cock. Which, if you ask me, is like a lesbian using a dildo. You made your fucking decision, stick with it. I have partied with straight edge (or sXe as its known in the “scene”) kids in the past and to put it bluntly, they are boring. Boring-waste my time- social abortions. If you dont drink, dont do drugs and dont eat meat, you must be a fag. Not that I mind fags, but covering it up by being straight edge is lame. I mean, after all, the only socialy acceptable vice left is being gay. The cocaine is crap, TV has scared kids away from heroin, rave drugs are out like phant pants and the magazine hasnt been cool since 2000.

Well ladies and gentlemen, its 2005. The bling era is reaching its climax, punk is dead, and being vagan is gay. This is the Fuck Era.

Fuck sluts, get high, break shit and FREE PARIS!

Team Fuck Tshirt contest coming soon!

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I am – Sexual Restraint of the Day

Today’s product of the day is the medical air casts, I never had a medical fetish – but I always get a hard-on when I get a colonoscopy. I think I like the humilation of having a camera up my ass and shit all over the technician’s hands….may sound gross but it’s hot!

Air Casts
What a novel concept! Inflatable air casts!! We were so excited about these wonderfully clever and easy to use immobilizers, that we added them to our mail-order catalogue immediately! Now they are available here, too! The idea is to simply insert the hand, arm or leg into the deflated cast, inflate with the handy tube, lock down the inflation valve and poof! You now have a very immobile body part! Once you have the arms and legs completely inflated, the patient/sub is pretty much helpless! The hand/wrist air casts are great since they are shorter than the full arm and can allow for the arms to be bound behind the back. Get the entire set! The combinations and imaginations for use of these Air Casts are countless! For even more intensity wrap two large (BW1) bondage wraps around them… Or try strapping them to the bondage board … oh, heavenly!

via Medical Toys

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I am – Anna Nicole MTV Breasts

Is this even worth posting? Anna Nicole’s breasts taped at the Australian MTV Awards. Bitch is fucking out of control with her weight loss pills. drug addiction, sex with the elderly and public humiliation. I figured I would post it, because a tit is a tit even if it’s on some sketchy bitch. She totally reminds me of the crack years when I was sleeping with this insomniac chick. She was always convulsing and talking craziness, but bitch could suck a good cock….

Pictures after the Jump

Via Popdoh

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I am – Hilary Swank See-Through Shirt

She won an oscar – she looks like a dude – she played a dude, who didn’t cry. I guess the only thing I can really respect about her is that she is straight from the trailer park. I remember when I worked as a caretaker at a trailer park, I drank a bottle of drain-o with the boys. I got right fucked up – but I am still standing. That’s more than we can say for poor Reggie….

Hilary Swank Tits after the jump….

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I am – T-Shirt of the Day

This is a shirt that says “Please Stop Biting My Rhyme”. I made it the shirt of the day because it brought back memories of when I was a hip hop MC in the 80s. This was a short lived thing that I did to make money, we had a little local thing going down in Texas and I like to think that I am the reason Hip Hop is where it’s at today.

I remember one of my rhymes was:

i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop
the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie
to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat

You all know where that went…motherfuckers bit my rhyme!

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I am – Large Penis Support Group Post of the Day

I will go to the extent to say that teenage experimentation sometimes goes a little bit too far. I guess there is nothing wrong with self-discovery, but I do have minor issues with auto-felatio. I don’t mean to be judgemental and shit, but busting a load down my throat reminds me too much of prison and I have a nice wife and stepkids now, I don’t really want to revisit those years….

Today’s comment is:

When i was younger i used to do a lot of sport and by the time I was 15 I was able to self suck lying on my back and pulling my knees right behind my head.
I used to be able to get about half of my cock into my mouth and although it was a bit of a stretch i could actually cum in my mouth with my cock still inside. I could do this until I was 22, when I bruised my back trampolining and didn’t try it for about 6 months.
Horror of horrors the next time I attempted to self suck, the closest i could get my dick to my mouth was about three inches away and however hard I tried I never got it back in my mouth again.
After a while i stopped trying, and anyway it feels a hell of a lot nicer having someone else doing the sucking.

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