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Sofia Richie Ass in Short Shorts of the Day

Sofia Richie unlike Nicole Camille Escovedo, she’s actually Lionel Richie’s kid, and not just some broken adopted brat, with angst from being adopted, but I assure you this one looked up to her fake sister, and is just a fucking disgusting a human as Nicole Camille Escovedo….and not just because she did an internship fucking […]




Sofia Richie Ass of the Day

Sofia Richie, daughter of Lionel…official daughter of Lionel…not like that mooch bitch Nicole…who just rode the family name harder than anyone…despite not even being his kid…and I guess that worked out ok for her..despite that fact that she’s married to a MADDEN BROTHER and those homos are the fucking lamest shit ever..Good Charlotte..remember that shit…that […]




Sofia Richie Bikini of the Day

Sofia Richie is still living the instagram rich girl in a bikini life…still young, but rocking a hot body that is likely designed by a surgeon, or maybe just 19 years old, who knows and really who cares… She’s set for life regardless of the dick she puts into herself, she can float around like […]




Sofia Richie in a Bikini Step Mom-ing of the Day

Sofia Richie is likely on the Kardashian payroll, at the excitement of the boyfriend who cast her, the baby daddy, ex husband of the “hotter” Kardashian sister, which is like saying the hotter pile of shit….Kourtney…. This is all contrived, paparazzi clickbait, that gets the whole family paid and keeps the whole family talked about […]




Sofia Richie Big Tits of the Day

Unlike Nicole Camille Escovedo, she’s actually his kid, and not just some broken adopted brat, with angst from being adopted, as most adopted kids do, especially when their mom’s are groupie drug addicted whores…who probably didn’t know she was pregnant, and even if she did, still took as much band cock as she could backstage […]




Sofia Richie Tits of the Day

Sofia Richie is one of the low level rich kids trying to mooch off celebrity of other rich kids to get a celebrity of her own…just like her sister, even though her sister isn’t her BIOLOGICAL sister, she’s still on the same trust fund…and while Kim Kardashian mooched off Paris Hilton, like Nicole Richie Mooched […]




Sofia Richie Bikini of the Day

Here’s one of Lionel Richie’s daughters. Her name is Sofia Richie, she’s 19, and unlike Nicole Camille Escovedo, she’s actually his kid, and not just some broken adopted brat, with angst from being adopted…. But that doesn’t mean the entitled rich kid isn’t a brat trying to make as much noise as she can to […]




Sofia Richie Bikini with Her Babysitter of the Day

Sofia Richie and her rich entitled kid daddy issues, even though she’s the one who was actually from Lionel Richie’s sperm and not found in a dumpster outside one of his concerts and kept like Nicole, is still fucking that party boy, cokehead, rich from being a Kardashian, baby daddy to the future generation of […]




Sofia Richie’s SLUTTY AD the Day

WHO ARE THESE MARKETING PEOPLE…. We live in a really weird era, where women are crying about being objectified by the media, or by male dominated bosses, for male dominated brands…with this whole #metoo movement… Yet the content that is being produced by these women is sluttier, more sexualized, more objectified than ever… If this […]




Sofia Richie in Bikini Bottoms of the Day

Lionel Richie wrote the song “Easy” about his daughter Sofia who may not have been born at the time, but who grew into the lyrics, of being some 18 or 19 year old rich and entitled spoiled cunt, who like all the other spoiled rich kids, wants instagram followers for her Birthday or monthly trust […]