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stepLINKS of the Day

CLICK HERE Charli XCX in a Bikini for New Video CLICK HERE Bella Hadid Pokies on the Runway CLICK HERE Woman Accuses Baker Mayfield of Sliding into Her DMs CLICK HERE The Only Moon Pete Davidson Will Be Encroaching On is Kim K’s CLICK HERE Bad Driver in India CLICK HERE Advanced Aircraft Carrier CLICK […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hear people are dumping their Russian Vodka, I heard stores that are controlled by the narrative have taken Russian Vodka off the shelf, but didn’t realize the FB profile picture changers, who think that the Ukraine flag as their profile is the right kind of useless virtue signalling to appease the hive mind dictating […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Ukrainian work program and refugee programs are popping up everywhere thanks to this war that they are trying to make you all excited about, since it profits the war mongerers and it requires the support of the people to proberly profit, I guess…..I don’t know anything about wars other than that they are a huge […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just saw that Facebook and Instagram are allowing calls to VIOLENCE on their platforms as long as it is against Russia…so the WOKE who got everyone banned for silly shit…or the VACCINE experts being banned for releasing vaccine info who got cancelled…or Doctors being banned for recommending EARLY proven treatments that worked…all BANNED…. I’ve […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In the event the “great awakening” still becomes the great reset, which it may before Jesus saves everyone who chooses his side, at least that’s what the Book of Revelation says….. You should definitely take advantage of the fall of society, the lack of religion, community, morals and values…the over medicated, soulless, depressed because there […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

And just like that….the anti-vaxxers are the ones following the science and the vaxxers, the militant vaxxers who really bought into the whole thing are now the science deniers…TRUST THE SCIENCE bro…as they remove mask mandates and bullshit, segregation causing, discriminatory vaccine passports….the WOKE, NEWS loving, insane people are still enforcing it… I have seen […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Watching the brainwashing of the people over the last 18 years should have been more inspiring for me to do some brainwashing of my own…because if I had…we’d be at the Temple of DrunkenStepfather…..the sex cult that dreams are made of….a palatial all inclusive resort collecton and lifestyle brand built on degeneracy…but instead we’re jacking […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Does this call for fighters from around the world to help fight in the Ukraine come with a free flight, because I figure if you want to put your money where your MEMES are, and get out there to defend for the FREEDOM of some country you know nothing about, when you’re perfectly fine with […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here are some stepLINKS…click them for your presidents past…it is President’s Day don’t question whether everything you’ve ever been told is a lie…just accept what they tell you and be a good slave…and CLICK on some stepLINKS….click them for your family…because in parts of Canada it is FAMILY day, even for those who no longer […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Repeat after me…. “I DO NOT CONSENT TO EVIL”…. Now…. “I REBUKE ALL EVIL”….. Now…. “FREEDOM FOR EVERY ONE”….. I can’t believe we live in a time where people are fighting over freedom….I realize it is because there’s fucking demons walking amongst us. Possessed or hypnotized by evil overlords who have made their way into […]