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stepLINKS of the Day

Funny to see all these artists pretending to be fighting MISINFORMATION by pulling their songs from SPOTIFY because they are so into fighting MISINFORMATION they can’t have Rogan, one of their own, have conversations with random people with different opinions than them, even when they are experts in the field… Especially when you remember Neil […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am still not over the Neil Young shit….how an activist you’d think was rock and roll could be so out of touch, or at least so scared by a virus, that he tried to flex his geriatric muscles and it backfired….over Joe Rogan talking to experts in the field…it’s so crazy to me….not that […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If you build it they will come – at least if you’re building a massage parlour since that’s pretty much the goal of the customer service experience….right… I know… Sometimes I can’t believe I am this brilliant. but I also can’t believe that at times in my life….like in line in front of me at […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Social media has reverted everyone back to a high school mind…of half retards obsessed with the cool kids while trying to be the cool kids…seeing fat girls who have no business being on camera take selfies or producing reviews of their bullshit like people give a fuck is fucking crazy to me….doesn’t she know she’s […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t talk to vaccianated people because they are compromised, that shit is clearly in the brains and telling them what to do, because they all use the same half moron logic in all this…as they sit their on their knees begging for the people who make the rules to throat fucking them until they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s pretty frustrating watching an Alien Invasion go down on humanity, totally fucking demonic and horrible, while humans just sit idling watching, thinking they’ll just comply to get their freedoms, not realizing that once you give up some freedoms, the power hungry people will never give them back….like these vaccine passports that link all aspects […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When you see a girl post “I love wearing butt plugs in my asshole”….you may have to assume she’s a 16 year old dude from another country…and not actually the girl you think she is asking for money, but it seems like the.pervert losers of the world who aren’t satisfied with standard porn or jerking […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I realize that nothing in life is guaranteed and that even if you think you’re on some path to retirement…you with all your chicks in place…or whatever the expression is…curveballs get thrown…and take you right off course… People get sick, people die, people get fired, people make bad investments, go broke, get rich, get cheated […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is probably unhealthy to assume that we are under an alien invasion, or alien attack, since SPACE isn’t real. I’m not a conspiracy theorist or anything, but when you’ve been removed from society for as long as I have and your only access to real life is streaming platforms you steal and the internet, […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Money is the root of all evil, which I why I don’t have any…keep that evil out of my life so that I can’t buy myself nice things, I’ll stick to the affordable crackwhores and their 5 dollar blowjobs, because in this era, you can live like the rich, if you just lower your expectations….travel […]