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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s pretty funny that Hollywood has been basically replaced or at least controlled by an online book store I’d buy hard to find books on back in 2003 or 2004 when I guess I should have been buying Amazon stock instead…OOPS…how about crypto another win on my end….it’s pretty funny…what was the point of being […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Don’t you hate when people try to tell you what you feel, when you don’t feel it at all? It’s like they tell you that you’re stressed or sad or angry or hyper and excited when you’re none of those things and when you disagree with their assessment…they try to talk you down….like “don’t be […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know the woke is confusing and probably pushing any of the normal liberals over to the DARK SIDE because it’s better than the woke mess of confusing…appropriating the name liberal when really being fascists who FORCE you to fit into their bullshit, inconsistent, angry – maybe you just need to get fucked – box… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Good thing no one reads this site….so they don’t hear me when I say don’t trust the internet and turn off the internet because it is just the internet….because if they did read the site they’d ignore my advice to turn off the internet because they’d want to come back for my witty and genius […]




stepLINKS of the Day

One of the best memes to summarize the times is that the top song of the year is WET ASS PUSSY from some ex stripper that parents let their kids listen and dance to…I’m talking little kids…listen to a song called wet ass pussy by a stripper and that’s all good…..But that as a society […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hope that you spend your weekend doing what influencers do….”just living life for a living”…because the rest of us clearly aren’t living life to the fullest since people aren’t buying our nudes and paying to DM with an Indian call center worker pretending to be us…. BE CAREFUL IF YOU’RE Wearing a skirt in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Remember, we live in a world where they convinced you all that Justin Bieber eats his burriots horizontally, all because someone said it was Justin Bieber and the BIG journalists of our time and the BIG publishers of our time just went with it…I mean why not go along with the story, instead of debunking […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I hope you spent your night watching slutty HOLISTIC and WELLNESS influencers tell you how to live your life better by eating organic, meditating, and being mindful and other bullshit, while rocking a plastic muppet face and some fake tits…whole likely does blow with all her influencer money…which is OK, since it comes from a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hope you are drunk on Holiday cheer, or Bourbon, depending on what you consider being drunk on holiday cheer to be….you know knee deep into jerking off to some of the hottest Christmas movies of yesteryear…because what the fuck else is there to do that stare at a screen and find unique things to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Go into tonight thinking of all the people you’ve seen cancelled and who you will see cancelled in the next few months before people forget the whole cancel culture thing and go back to being selfie obsessed selfie takers who don’t have a voice, opinion or annoying things to say….maybe even throw in some COVID […]