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stepLINKS of the Day

I’m a little late on the stepLINKS because I was planting all my random CHINA seeds because OBVIOUSLY after COVID, everything from CHINA should be trusted blindly and not seen as an attack….. What harm could a little seed do? I mean as if they’d create some invasive species or genetically altered seed that could […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Remember that the new generation of women hate men more than the last generation of women and the last generation of women hated men a lot….so you’re all pretty fucking screwed if you are into women…which may be why men are turning into women, you know to finally get laid as women, knowing that the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So what are all you activists up to tonight? I am assuming you’ll be protesting the fact that you can’t get laid and that standard porn is too softcore for you, or maybe you’ll be buying panties off girls from reddit, joining their only fans, all while knowing you’re a terrible fucking. loser, while trying […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When I was young, I worked a lot of really shitty menial jobs. Do young people still work menial jobs, or are they just selling nudes…why work a shitty minimum wage job to build character when you can take one pic of your asshole a day after your shower and be set for the rest […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The internet is exhausting, everyday I feel like I’m coming off heroin everyday I turn on the computer, I still use a computer. I am old. Everyone uptight, stifled, angry, able to type or jump on other people who type with position that is usually sourced from a meme on the same old bullshit…acting hight […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The devil is working hard, not that I believe in religion, but I do believe that evil lives within all humans and without a moral code, raised on the internet, by shitty parents, we are approaching some weird fucking times…not because of that covid shit, but because being a whore is cool. The moth being […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So I was having sex with a woman who was born during the first pandemic of 1920 and she said that this quarantine hasn’t got shit on that quarantine, and you are all just a bunch of spoiled babies…..I mean she wasn’t technically born in 1920…but her cunt smelled like it so if I was […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Luckily we are all too busy watching Tiger King and shows of the like when not taking selfies for our own social media accounts we are trying to build out to notice basically anything…because if we actually noticed things…we’d probably be real mad….and that would suck because we’d have to start protesting and fighting for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hear the best way to test your groceries or any packages delivered to you including but not limited to sex workers..for COVID is to lick them. If you get sick 14 days later….you have it and it was contaminated. If you don’t…lick more shit until you do…herd immunity ya know. It’s the responsible way […]




stepLINKS of the Day

What are some of the family / quarantine rituals you’ve set up for you and your quarantine family, besides chronic masturbation? Are ya’ll having conversations? Playing charades? Doing some throwback family movie nights? Are family members starting to fuck each other like prison inmates? Or are we not at that breaking point? Are girlfriends getting […]