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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the end of summer, everyone is going big to ring in the fall, for all that PUMPKIN spice…back to school…bullshit… So if you’re going out there to rage for the summer that was, bring your consent forms and a witness…because girls are ready, all charged up, all fired up….to cry rape, to fit in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Everyone is a pervert fuck from everyday girls buying vibrators and suction cup dildos at the local Pharmacy, not that I’ve ever seen that go down, but I know from comments on sex toy company’s social media accounts that girls are really into masturbating…. to the girls throat fucking cucumbers at parties…to the girls posting […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Real Estate agents in their Real Estate Agent Promo Pics really look like they suck a lot of dicks That said, my new hobby is reading sex toy reviews on social media pages for sex toy stores because I can click through and see the life of the woman saying “I’d can still feel my […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Meeting dads who tell us that their 17 year old daughter wants to be a model..always makes me feel bad for the dude…especially when he’s about 60 years old and has no fucking clue what actually goes on. He just thinks his daughter is hard working, and pretty as can be and just feels so […]




MET Gala Nonsense Round-Up of the Day

The Met Gala is the event that happens each year when all the celebrities wear dumb outfits and show off their tits.. here is our round-up and I’m not talking about the class action lawsuit against Monsanto..I am talking about a bunch of pics of idiots who think they are important because they got an […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the DAy

I’m so glad my fetish isn’t jerking off in public showers – I feel like that would feel like prison. Debilitating really. Think about all the gym memberships you’d have to have, and manage, and pay for…because you wouldn’t want to just jack off in one public gym shower, then you’d have to figure out […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am sure I’ve said it before, like all day everyday, but it amazes me that women, despite being as slutty as ever, don’t even take advantage of men the way they should… It is trendy to hate men, in this man world they have decided they live in….but they still like to fuck dudes…cuz […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is pretty ridiculous how ridiculous this social media shit is. I know I talk about it all the time, because it is everything, and it is how I stay current….you know without actually posting on social media…because that shit is gay…. But I was at the grocery store buying some canned beans, as I […]




Tits at the Grammy’s of the Day

In very important news that isn’t important at all, but that the media tries to make you think is important, because they make money off this shit…The Grammy’s happened… I have a celebrity blog, and didn’t realize that they were on, because Award shows don’t matter. I can assure you that they had the least […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hate these people on instagram who have committed to low maintenance travel life, you know minimalist shit, living out of a suitcase shit, acting like they’ve broken the system and live by their own drum…yet update their instagram daily…like they think they are interesting, important or worth watching…like you’ve given up on social norms […]