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stepLINKS of the Day

You cannot watch a movie these days because everything Is the #metoo movement, everything is politically correct, inclusive and crazy…. There is so much fluffy, sensitivity in content to not upset people, in a whole fight the patriarchy, down with the white man…. So now there are weirdly placed Asian’s and black people and native […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Girls I know or have paid for Sex always get mad with the accidental anal. It’s so common that it’s become a porn category for pervert rapists who like surprising girls they are fucking by sticking it in their ass…but I always prefer the surprise vaginal after consenting anal, not because I’m a delicate pacifist, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If you leave the house, you will see so many people influenced by instagram younger people, which isn’t saying much cuz I am old as fuck and everyone is younger than me….but influenced by instagram none the less… From face injections, to shorts in a size small when they should be a size medium….and taking […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The problem with society is that everyone is so uptight, while being so loose, all at the same time, making it very hard to navigate the waters…. I remember the days of cat calling, date rape when it was just called bad sex you regret, and all the other good times we used to have. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I find women who tattoo their nipples into the shape of hearts – super fucking weird…and amazingly they still exist at the strip club I went to…which I guess makes sense since it is a tattoo…and the strippers I frequent are outdated.. I find women in Canada during a heat wave dressed slutty like their […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Young people are fucking dumb…which is a good thing because if you’ve ever worked with the handicapped, who are statistically dumb, hence the retardation, you will know that they have no control over their genitals, which is probably why all the content on social media is so slutty, it’s like everyone, no matter what the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My new kind of creeping, that I guess is still creeping, but not as obvious as pushing my erection on girls in the club dancing, giving them a little hump dance action to see if they are down, is a more subtle kind of creeping, because it involves me walking into them intentionally when they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

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The interesting thing about the public pool I walk by, but that I am too cheap to pay the 45 dollar fee to use during the season, is that for every hot young single mother who looks like she may be a low income stripper just trying to cool off with her kid because they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I spent three hours of my day sitting on a park bench staring at some woman tanning in the park, because I guess she doesn’t have access to a beach, but she was in a bikini with her top off, tits spilling out of her armpits, because I guess I don’t have a fucking life…besides […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The Internet is so misleading… I left my house today, thinking all these feminist hipsters would be half naked pulling their tits out like their instagram feeds….and sure there were slutty shorts, some leggings, some braless tops with hard nipples… BUT…I did not see one girl posed provocatively in a bed, shower, hotel room, beach, […]