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stepLINKS of the Day

Women love men to pay attention to them….that’s why they are all participating in this #metoo campaign – letting the world know that they have been assaulted or sexualized by men thanks to their breasts and thanks to men being perverts who like breasts… I am a firm believer that women are equals to men, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The problem with all these girls wearing skirts with no panties – is that even when they don’t flash me….I am a pervert and can tell…. I have a trained keen sense of pervert smell….and without the panty layer to separate me from them…I am forced to sing them love songs, buy them flowers, write […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Someone told me sharing cellphones is like sharing a used condom…it’s an invasion of person space..but all I could think was what happens when you’re fucking a hooker with your friend who paid for the hooker…and you happen to be there to pick up the table scraps but you’re not dumb enough to go in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My new pickup line is telling girls that I would go down on them for an hour, but I know they won’t let me, so I’ll just go jerk off in the bathroom thinking about them, and then I get up and walk to the bathroom, where I pretend to jerk off, to really drive […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like reconnecting with the 18 year olds I used to get nude pics from 10 years ago….she got a boyfriend and disappeared to marry him and have kids…and do that whole thing…where I never heard from her again…and I can’t even remember where we connected, it was pre-tinder, pre instagram, and despite being 28 […]




Abbey Clancy Panty Flash and Great Legs of the Day

Abbey Clancy is some super famous in the UK…she’s a re-branded UK cokehead who dates footballers and who was a lingerie model who went by the name ABIGAIL CLANCY but I guess that was too classy for her, or maybe she dragged it through the mud, or maybe it is too mature and not playful […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just had a fight with a Hepatitis hooker – who was walking down the street with her bike…wearing spandex pants muttering racist shit about some “black cunt”..before I hopped in and had her scream t me about being a fat faggot who should go suck dick…because frankly dick was probably more appealing that her […]




The Grammy’s Happened of the Day

I don’t watch the Grammy’s but I do watch girls masturbate on snapchat…but I don’t limit it to snapchat…I also watch it on instagram messages, imessage, whats app….I don’t watch girls masturbate on webcam sites, I like shit to be a little more personal…you know “we started at tinder, or an instagram follow, now we […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I should legally change my name to Canesten or Monistat…depending on which brand pays me more – because my tongue has been in more yeast infections than either of them… That said…you can imagine how I spent my afternoon…. I hope rinsing with Vinegar helps me power through… I assume there is going to be […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So we’ve established that asking a girl to show you her Turkey Wattle in her panties is a fail and her outty pussy will never be exposed to you. Well it turns out that fisting a Turkey while talking about how this is the last Thanksgiving for America as a country and how the fall […]