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stepLINKS of the Day

I realized something very tragic yesterday….and that is when Bourdain was found dead, hung in his hotel room in France, like so many other people have been found while on business trips… I DIDN’T EVEN THINK AUTO EROTIC ASPHYXIATION…that shoulda been my first instinct – that would have been my first instinct…or what I would […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When a woman calls me a Misogynist…I like to say: “This is exactly the reason women should not be working in positions beyond clerical work. You are far too emotional. Are you on your period?” The fact is that the site is just social commentary celebrating whores being whores…because everyone I write about is a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes I wonder if I am the pervert, when looking at a monstrously tall girl, who is actually built relatively proportionately, and not like an Ashley Graham fat chick, but just tall enough that her ass is basically at my eye-level….forcing me to stare right into it…because she’s wearing leggings and I can make out […]




Dua Lipa Nipples of the Day

Oops … I wrote a post on Charli XCX’s nipples – but turns out they are DUA LIPA’s nipples…because I am so old, disconnected, unaware of what is going on in pop culture… Just a few hours ago, a friend asked me “what’s the latest viral trend” and I said “I’m not 15, I hate […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know porn chicks. I see porn chicks. They are all fine almost normal…besides the fact that they get fucked all day due to deep rooted issues….But I will never understand a dude, or the bro mentality of a dude who dates a porn chick. Is he gay, does he like dudes inside his girl, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I went out in public again today. I try my best to not do that. But unfortuntately it happens…and every time it does…despite the hard nipples, tight shirts, tight pants, athletic wear, hipster feminists and their bra-less missions, and all that other good stuff like pussy print in pants and everything else that would make […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I always wonder what the pussy of the white girl with dreads shopping at the thrift shop with her armpit hair flowing in the vent fan…smells like…. Or the girl in leggings at the coffee shop who just finished yoga class…what does her pussy smell like… I guess in general…as a general concept….the core of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I always find it funny “Expectation vs Reality” is when it comes to banging a girl up the ass..always so hot in theory, even hot in memory, but when doing it, it’s so cautious to avoid shit dick… It’s one of those things that originally grossed me out as a teen, you know first discovering […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My favorite thing about this #metoo movement, is that every single woman I randomly meet in bars, or really anywhere, feels empowered to tell me detailed recounts of all the times they’ve been raped…and how disgusting men are…stories that make it hard to say “so are you gonna suck my dick in the bathroom or […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I go through life trying to increase my knowledge, trying to a better version of myself, trying to learn, trying to be inspired, trying to push my limits…at least when it comes to drinking… So I’ve realized that you can’t do this alone, you are only as powerful as the sum of your parts, community […]