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stepLINKS of the Day

I am dressing as Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump’s Incest Flipper Baby they keep in the basement of Trump Towers….. I think it will be a hit with the politically correct feminist uptight girls who think it is empowering to be gangbanged by 12 black guys – like it’s an art project – because thanks […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes I feel like a 101 jokes book only with only a 1, which doesn’t make me a book…..but then I look at the people around me and realize that they are also jokes, some even bigger and better jokes than me, which makes sense because I suck at everything….but I guess that’s because life […]




Rita Ora Titty Flash of the Day

Rita Ora flashed her tits…for the paparazzi….but the paparazzi censored out her tits…but we know what them tits are…I posted HER TITS EARLIER TODAY because I am a visionary, a psychic, the kind of guy who just knew there were censored tits tits, leaving you craving her tits, like you were Calvin Harris every time […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my day was trying to convince a girl I know who clearly just got breast implants to show me her scars, because scars are all part of the process and I like experiencing the process…you know it’s the journey not the destination… The fail of my day was that the girl I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

30 day facebook ban for making jokes about very bad things because I was a very bad man who has a very bad sense of humor. But luckily I have been reformed thanks to the facebook penal system. I now know how to behave in accordance to facebook etiquette. I know what they deem appropriate. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Diary of a Facebook Prisoner: Jesus Martinez DAY 11.5 in Facebook Jail Don’t Forget My OSCARS SO WHITE SHOOT HERE That’s what I do when I am in Facebook Jail… I make MEMES no one gives a fuck about… It’s the Facebook jail version of printing license plates, only with more naked under 25 year […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Diary of a Facebook Prisoner: Jesus Martinez DAY 10.5 in Facebook Jail I realized that only 1 person out of all my FB friends realized that I am not posting on Facebook… If that’s not some serious social media clout and/or influence, I don’t know what is… I’m a fucking influencer, that one person relies […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Diary of a Facebook Prisoner: Jesus Martinez DAY 5.5 in Facebook Jail I am not immune or blinded by the news in facebook jail, I am alienated from an evil platform but that is not being alienated from life, so I’ve heard than another evil corporation with the power to spy on all of us […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like to give girls bad relationship advice, because apparently, I am that shoulder to cry on for people everywhere, so I like to give the I think when things are done they are done – but don’t listen to me – I may just want to get in your pants…level of doubt… “Is he […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been sexting since it was called CYBERING… I used to pretend to be a girl and sext dudes, like a creep who found comedy in making dudes jerk off to me pretending to be a 14 year old girl who takes them to garden shed where I make them fuck me with a screwdriver […]