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stepLINKS of the Day

I like to give girls bad relationship advice, because apparently, I am that shoulder to cry on for people everywhere, so I like to give the I think when things are done they are done – but don’t listen to me – I may just want to get in your pants…level of doubt… “Is he […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been sexting since it was called CYBERING… I used to pretend to be a girl and sext dudes, like a creep who found comedy in making dudes jerk off to me pretending to be a 14 year old girl who takes them to garden shed where I make them fuck me with a screwdriver […]




stepLINKS of the Day

People are really into David Bowie…some of my favorite feminists want you to Remember when Lori Maddox and Sable Starr (the inspiration of kate hudson’s character in almost famous) had a threesome with him when they were 13 and 14? Groupies….Right? CLICK HERE ….while other people defend fucking 13 year olds and celebrate his work […]




Rumer Willis and other Tits at the Art of Elysium 2016 Heaven Gala of the Day

I don’t know what the “Art of Elysium 2016 Heaven Gala” is…but it sounds pretty fucking faggy nerd shit. Which would explain transgendered Rumer Willis showing off those tits…. The half potato, lovely thanks to all the plastic surgery her mom introduced her to, you know to make up for bad genetics, because Bruce Willis […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I play the gay best friend until…I get their confidence, their trust…and then I move in… Like that time I used to prank call and ring the buzzer at the house of a girl I wanted to fuck….and who I had spent 2 weeks befriending…at 5 am…las week so that when she got scared, she’d […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Today…a homeless person asked me if he could move in with me…and at first I as thrown off and though how disgusting that would smell…despite living with a morbidly obese woman…who already fucking smells like shit…and then I thought about how a drug addicted crazy person would probably be really annoying to hang out with […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Bacon causes cancer – so does eating pussy…I won’t quit either, but let’s hope it gets all those bacon loving frat boys who talk about bacon all the time and make meme’s about the shit…because bacon isn’t that exciting, it’s not even a good punchline to a joke “Because #bacon”…and all things bacon…like the dead […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was at a bar last night…and some girl approached me. She was 19…and decided to cuddle up to me, a stranger, and tell me how she’s a sex addict…and when I tried to pawn her chubby ass on my friend, he told her that he would fuck her, but only with a condom because […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The interesting thing about impotence is that you’re never left satisfied…it’s like you’ve got this desire to get off in a woman…but it never happens…even when a woman is there in front of you…due to seductions, trickery, or payment…it’s still a fucking pussy.. So I suggest you go through life like an impotent…never satisfied…because you’ll […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My new fetish is 30 – 32 year old girls who are behind the curve on this new sexual revolution that is affecting the under 25 year olds…thanks to being raised on porn, and being vapid selfie absorbed, social media cunts, who just want to have a good time, and who can only get off […]