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stepLINKS of the Day

I hope you are drunk on Holiday cheer, or Bourbon, depending on what you consider being drunk on holiday cheer to be….you know knee deep into jerking off to some of the hottest Christmas movies of yesteryear…because what the fuck else is there to do that stare at a screen and find unique things to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Go into tonight thinking of all the people you’ve seen cancelled and who you will see cancelled in the next few months before people forget the whole cancel culture thing and go back to being selfie obsessed selfie takers who don’t have a voice, opinion or annoying things to say….maybe even throw in some COVID […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The more I stream bullshit TV and movies the dumber and dumber I get….the way they wanted when they created TV….but it’s better than social media…because I’d rather be brain washed by produced movies and tv with high budgets – the old fashioned way, It is better than be annoyed by social media idiots spewing […]




stepLINKS of the Day

How about some amazing life changing commentary no one reads to accompany your nightly links that EVERYONE clicks on because they are 66 years old and don’t know how the internet works…maybe they are just humoring me because they feel sorry for me…good people…you link clickers… I had something very important to write tonight, All […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The world is a fucking crazy place and the people in it are all programmed to be snitch rats who follow all the rules and trends and buy into whatever is being sold…From beauty products, to fear, to lies, to any and all of the scams of the internet…because they are told to by their […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hope you all avoid social media….it is obviosuly the devil and spawns nothing but evil…. At the rate it’s going, I just don’t understand how people can even go on that shit….it’s just so dark, angry, miserable, whiners and show offs…It’s hard not to hate…. I would expect that it will eventually implode, but […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My biggest life regret is not scamming middle aged women on dating apps back before they were skeptical about dating apps and thought everyone had pure intentions… From the first time I saw dudes scamming women on Maury or Donahue or Jerry Springer from dating apps or dating services, I knew that would be the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know about you, but since it is the weekend and the tail end of summer, you should 1890s yourself and sit in a cabin in the middle of no where listening to the trains roll y as you drink your Whiskey and Pan for gold in a babbling brook outside or some shit….a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I suggest you get off the computer….nothing good will come from the internet…they are brainwashing you, dividing you, making you fight with everyone…even the porn is shit…you have no use for internet…just go back to the 80s motherfucker and use your imagination while sniffing your mom’s panties for your jerking off you sick fucks… Or […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I occasionally click on the OnlyFans links on a instagram slut’s bio just to see what losers are paying for and for the most part these girls have posted 40, maybe 50 images that people are paying 20 dollars a month to access…like what kind of loser would pay to see some random trashy girl […]