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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s pretty funny to see the two sides of society unfolding… You’ve got the basic normies, who have always been around, they are the masses they buy into whatever they are told and just keep on buying into what they are told to buy into, making a lot of people rich, while maintaining a level […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw some teacher jerked off into flutes that he would later take pics of his students playing, which is one of the weirdest fetishes out there, but I don’t play the flute so I don’t understand…..clearly flutists are whores, otherwise it wouldn’t have become part of the zeitgeist thanks to American Pie……ONE TIME IN […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I don’t know about you, but this abortion thing is still going on, maybe with a little less excitement than the woke weirdos have had about killing babies over the last few months, but I came across a girl campaigning for abortions until 18 years old, which was probably her trying to show how crazy […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Over the years, I’ve come across people fucking in public a bunch of times, usually homeless people, but occasionally it’s a hot chick, rarely but once in a while….but today, in broad daylight, in the middle of a football field, I saw a young couple pretty much fucking, but strategically so no one could really […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s summer, a heat wave in most places because of that whole manufactured Global Warming scam, that people like to think is all their fault, because they use plastic straws and drive gas vehicles, forgetting that the big companies that make those things, are more likely the problem, but blame the everyday man, ourselves, each […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

How about them gas prices… Girls take this one’s lead…. Free gas comes to who flash their tits… Good things may come to those who wait, but in this era, those who wait get lost in the fast fashion hustle and grind of one hit wonder click bait shit….you snooze you fucking lose….it isn’t a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes all you need is a back alley striptease to keep your spirits bright, that is why I want to start the Back Alley Striptease league….featuring all your favorite crackheads..because jerking off to random dog walking women picking up dog shit in their leggings is getting boring….parking in mall parking lots to see the moms […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Blue haired genderless unfuckable freaks crying about abortions are boring, I know that people are getting a kick out of the outtrage as they laugh at the soft, weird, broken, victim fucks…but I find it boring….punch yourself in the stomach..use this coat hanger to DIY like a PINTEREST project you ETSY fuck. I much prefer […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We’re obviously living in two or three timelines, where one timeline is fucking nuts and on a totally different planet than me, making no fucking sense in anything they say, usually about woke shit, inclusivity, gender, guns….with their crazy fucking eyes…..they’re obviously all medicated, miserable and watch too much TV to have such deep outrage… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I always thought it was weird when people would say that you making fun of someone or something stemmed from either a superiority complex, where you and your narcissism and ego think so high of themselves that they have the right to be condescending to the idiots….or you’re making fun of people for your own […]