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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

As much as I like California as place…or a concept…it is one of those things that has been shoved down all our throats since the 1920s… We can only hope that some of the wildfires in LA destroy the houses and lives and memories of some of this terribly evil fucking celebrities and producers that […]




stepLINKS of the Day

You Fucking Coalminer…it’s fucking Christmas…and time to rape every CHRISTMAS party open bar you can, because you can’t make rape jokes, but you can rape inanimate objects, they won’t turn on your 19 years later and get you fired…they’ll just feel good. Decorate the tree, bake cookies inside some bitch, eat said cookies out of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Remember…if you didn’t find anything better to fuck this Thanksgiving stick your dick in the Turkey carcass..it’s not overly rotten yet..and knowing it was a living creature before it was brutally killed for your family…is more than your used to fucking…or you can get a FLESHLIGHT and shove it in anything…because if you’re going to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s a good night to fuck your turkey carcass or your sister or your cousin or your brother’s wife or your stepmother or your stepfather or really anyone in your family that you’ve been cooped up inside watching football and shitty old movies with…conversing as humans do… I mean otherwise you’ll have to wait until […]




Morning Hangover of the Day

I had an argument with a woman that life as a white man isn’t as good as it used to be, because I am visibly a white man, no one can tell I’m a Mexican…and she took offense to it, saying “Oh right, white male privilege or some shit, and I just said “is you […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

The highlight of my day isn’t Kylie’s pregnancy, but I can hope that her pregnancy has complications and either he baby comes out handicapped or kills her during childbirth…these Kardashians keep breeding – but none ever die….that’s their flaw. The highlight of my day wasn’t that the @step_Girls instagram got wrongfully deleted, singled out, taken […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I accidentally crashed a wedding this weekend, but not really crashed the wedding, it was going down in some hotel conference room next to the hotel bar I was drinking at and I assumed there would be open bar, but clearly I don’t hang out at the right hotels, because it was some ghetto bullshit, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I looked out my Window and Two Asians were basically having the weirdest fuck in the backseat of their BMW…they were sleeping ontop of each other, practically dead, she kept putting his hand on her pussy, but he wasn’t rubbing, I wanted to get out there and guide them, I feel like maybe they needed […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When looking at my wife…or 99 percent of married moms over thirty – I am always disgusted and thank the universe for letting me have sex with 20 year olds who view me as a fetish…a terrible terrible fetish…because it allows me…despite sucking at life…feel like I’ve won.. I don’t even need hot 20 year […]




stepLINKS of the Day

A Tinder girl told me that I spend a really long time drawing out a really bad joke….and that was based on a series of 3 messages I sent her about our romance….I wonder what she’d think if she saw the site and the 12 years, 40,000 posts dedicated to drawing out this really bad […]