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stepLINKS of the Day

Here at DrunkenStepfather…we always encourage you to treat girls fairly…with respect…we are equal opportunity fuckers…no girl inadequate enough for me to say now…it’s all part of having no standards….too bad I am too lazy to face the cold…not even to laugh at the homeless….by standing next to them eating soup and hot coffee…and I’m always […]




stepLINKS of the Day

How annoyed are you of people wishing you a happy new year….It’s played the fuck out, old, boring, so last year…I’m pretty fucking annoyed of it..maybe cuz it lacks creativity…like most New Years Resloutions – we get it – you want to lose weight, quit smoking, make more money asshole…so does the rest of the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This July 4th, Independence Day, bullshit is getting old. I’m tired of the status updates, the intagram pics, the tweets and the text messages, the lame stripper bitches in themed phtooshoots..July 4th is old news, it is played out, it is all about the future motherfuckers….July 5th is the new…it is the now…get with the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I need more pussy to take pictures of for Instagram. Consider this a casting call for all bitches everywhere – of all shapes and sizes – cuz Instagram has become the only interesting thing to do on the internet Search – DrunkenStepfather – Follow Twitter is dead. Just today I didn’t bother tweeting about how […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My site seemed to have got hacked and stopped working last night and it continued through today, it is annoying but I’ve got used to it and figure I can’t control these things, so why bother getting all worked up about the shit. People don’t like me because they don’t find my jokes funny and […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I just got a bill for the rubber vaginas a company sent me for some product test I could never do for them because my dick doesn’t work. I was thinking about lining them up and having this gay black dude who hangs out in my neighborhood work his magic on them in video and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

You gotta wonder about the ad agency that put together any commercial of two people chatting on ZOOM, if that doesn’t give you anxiety to watch, even if you’re a non zoomer like me, I don’t know what will. We don’t need to watch people on a TV screen zomming each other ….ever…we don’t even […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Not doing the nightly links this week has been the best experience of my life….FUCK the stepLINKS of the day…if anyone out there wants to do them for me in 2022 so I can find better things to do with my time…like stare at the wall harder, with more time to think on things to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Stay Safe… Stay fucking safe…. That’s what I heard 3 times today from people working the cash where I was buying shit…. Stay safe, from what? I assume they mean COVID….but what level of propaganda did it require that “have a nice day”….or “have a great weekend”….or “Thanks, Come Again, but not inside me, unless […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Social Media is the devil but if you don’t have it, you really don’t exist in this world, which for someone who has never really wanted to exist in this world, it must be pretty fucking nice not being on that bullshit…. I do have facebook which is arguably the worst of the social medias…that […]