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Miley Cyrus’ New Outfit of the Day

Miley Cyrus may be a little fake in what she does. It may be this try hard attention seeking hustle that is almost mocking the entertainment industry and every tumblr girl who smokes too much weed…it just doesn’t feel all that sincere but with every try hard, identity crisis, thanks to having no childhood and […]




Miley Cyrus Sucking Fingers in Concert of the Day

I know the American Music Awards were on last night but despite the trending stories on Facebook that I assume they paid Facebook to seed to the world…due to ad dollars depending on it…the real story for me is Miley Cyrus in her new stage performance, that is obviously sexually charged, with strap ons and […]




Miley Cyrus “topless” with Strap-On in Concert of the Day

At what point in a stage show, does it go from pop concert, to pornographic live sex show…and why is MIley Cyrus the leader of this exhibitionism…. What is wrong with being subtle, a lady, delicate…clothed…suggestive..still a slut…but give me a bit of a fantasy…work the audience, foreplay, seduce, mentally fuck us…why go straight for […]




Miley Cyrus Fitness Picture of the Day

Miley Cyrus is a fitness leader and inspiration to us all… From smoking weed, doing harder drugs than weed, from partying all night, from being a lunatic tumblr girl who doesn’t leave the house, thanks to being Disney to being a popstar, to being a nude model…saying to the world she’s a feminist and that […]




Miley Cyrus by Terry Richardson for Candy Magazine of the Day

Miley Cyrus did some pictures with Terry Richardson for something called Candy Magazine, which is a 1500 issues with 9 different covers of Miley in various “controversial” poses, that are all very Disney level of controversial…but that’s not really her fault, she’s a Disney Star and any level of activism she’d be part of would […]




Throwback Miley Cyrus Butt Pic of the Day

Miley Cyrus is fun….whether it’s her nude pic from Yesterday…that everyone is not really as excited as they would have been if this was 10 years ago and she was any of the popstar sluts who used to have integrity in their public image, even if it was bullshit, they would stick to the plan […]




Miley Cyrus Almost a Nipple of the Day

Miley Cyrus is boring, yet I am compelled to post these pictures of her flashing a bit of her massive tits on her instagram…not because it is something new, or provocative, or even of tease…she always pulls out her massive tits…and I figure it’s part of what is trendy, what the kids want to see, […]




Miley Cyrus Ass for the Israel Palestine Crisis of the Day

I guess James Franco put together a comedy show or event where he had his Bar Mitzvah because I guess he’s either not Jewish, or not Bar Mitzvahed and the only way for him to be taken seriously in Hollywood is for him to follow through with his religion and commit… In making a spectacle, […]




Miley Cyrus Tongues Her Dog of the Day

Here’s a little Miley Cyrus tonguing her dog…because Miley Cyrus is strategic, she’s a Disney trained performer, and the conditions they put the people who work their theme parks should be a sign of the training they put into their bread winning, money making, machines… Meaning, everything she does is programmed, designed, strategic… Now I […]




Miley Cyrus Hick Voice on Fallon of the Day

Miley Cyrus is doing Saturday night live… A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Oct 2, 2015 at 10:15am PDT I guess in part of her promo, she’s doing the most irritating of TV shows…Jimmy Fallon that I find remarkable is still on TV in this internet era, but I guess America is stupid […]