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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

When the weekend rolls around, I generally like to shut down the stolen computer I use and my cell phone, not because I am this exhausted maverick business man, who is on some schedule with my life coach to be less of a workaholic, or I’m some millionaire wife on some holistic attempt to remove […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s Canadian Thanksgiving, filled with Maple, EH, Turkey, and…who the fuck cares…it’s Canada and none of you give a shit about us… But I care….because I get to go to the homeless shelters and the other places handing out Turkey to find single moms..eager to be fed…down on their luck…willing to do some shit to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I find it amazing that people are shocked that Harvey Weinstein, a creepy nerd who was given lots of money and power in the film industry, is a creep….if you’ve met anyone Hollywood, or really any dude ever, they are creeps, and if that creep is given money and power and can give women you’ve […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It’s always offensive when the bitch you’re trying to finger tries to make you wash your hands….but you’re like girl…there’s green fucking ooze crusted on your pussy lips…I think you’re the last one who should be worried about my dirty hands and your focus should be on your own damn filth…. Here are some morning […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I had a busy night of cultural appropriation…shopping for BUDDHA statues at Home Depot…eating ASIAN food…at a KOREAN restaurant owned by Chinese people, but no one goes after them because these white social justice warriors are actually racists in denial, who regurgitate bullshit while signing petitions on social media to feel like they are actually […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Girls are such hypocrites on so many levels, from being inconsistent on traditional gender roles, yet loving the idea of staying home all day doing nothing, like a Houseweife…which I spoke about earlier…to more important things like eating ass.. You see I have never met a girl who didn’t want her ass licked or liked […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s Christmas or “HOLIDAY” vacation, get the fuck off the computer and go interact with someone….find a fucking random if you’re all alone, and do what needs to get done, or just slowly kill yourself through food and drinking and inactivity…. Statistically today is the day the most heart attacks happen, you have 6 hours […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I love how mad Americans get when I mention the Presidential Debate – being a Canadian…who is your neighbor and infiltrated with all your bullshit pop culture nonsense – so much so that I have a 12 year old daily updated site on the bullshit…not to mention I am smarter than most Americans and know […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know people hate when I talk about tinder, because they never comment on what I have to say, which is definitely because they hate when I talk about tinder, and in no way because they aren’t reading anything I write….like I am an authority on anything….or like I deserve to be paid attention to […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I was on a walk last night, not to get healthy, but to get some cocaine from a friend….and I saw this really hot girl walk into a house…on my walk back I looked at the house she walked into and saw that the window on the ground floor was open…and I thought…”she’s lucky I’m […]