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stepLINKS of the Day

The only thing that social media has taught me is how stupid humanity is. I used to be the kind of person who used to just hate everyone I met, I would discount them immediately without giving them a chance, then over the years I became indifferent and when I meet people I give them […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s mother’s day.. Perfect opportunity to fuck girls who are lonely and wish they were moms – especially those who don’t have moms because they feel so alone and vulnerable – great opportunity to have unprotected sex with them… I spent my day trying to cum in a girl because my wife was out for […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Sombrero wearing white people drinking margaritas and eating boxed fajitas day! Sombreros are the black face to Mexicans… you Cultural appropriating entitled college kids who are the first to call people cultural appropriating…while rocking out for cinco de mayonnaise… It’s a good day to be a Mexican Restaurant… Here are some morning links…drink… So Many […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here is some insight from one of my fans, I wish he sent me his mailing address so I could send him a pair of stepGIRLS PANTIES covered in my cum and the random slut I fucked pussy juices…you know to prove my masculinity… For the record…I don’t hate women, I love women, I just […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I see the good in everything. Once I was about to stick my dick, unprotected, inside some disgusting girl, because I am self destructive, have no self respect and when you get that rare erection, you use it…only to realize there was some kind of mucus oozing out… I almost lost my boner, but I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Diary of a Facebook Prisoner: Jesus Martinez DAY 19 in Facebook Jail Don’t tell a girl who sends you nudes that you’d be more upset if you heard a hamster got raped than a dumb college gir…because the hamster won’t go on and on about and because the hamster is cute and doesn’t put himself […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I wonder how many people have had period sex fetish because it makes them feel like their small dick is devirginizing the hooker on her period they paid extra to have sex with – you know to satisfy their devirginizing fetish.. I bet more than you’d expect… My pick up line this weekend was “I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have been labeled a misogynist for running this site, at least I was when feminist activists were targeting sites that talk about the girls who objectify themselves for fame and fortune, the new Feminists are too busy getting throat fucked in gang bangs, being in nude photoshoots on instagram and talking about things they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t save all vagina pics girls send me, there too many to keep track of, but there are a few in my phone that have been saved, and when looking back on them, over 90 percent of them don’t have a home….I don’t know who they belong to. They are just stray pussy pics, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been asking every girl I know how her “Slut Hole” is doing today…most are offended, don’t answer…only one asked if I meant “her mouth or her pussy”…she’s a keeper and another offered to show me, but only in person, because I guess she knows I’m not getting off this couch to look at a […]