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stepLINKS of the Day

I am a romantic… Not the kind of romantic who sends girls dick pics, or who jerks off into a sink on snapchat to show how much I care… I am a romantic in the traditional sense of the term, where I encourage all girls to sit on my face…because no pussy is too disgusting […]




steplINKS of the Day

Whenever anyone wants anything from me, mainly to hang out, whether it is sexual, or non sexual, I always have a hard time saying no, but always want to say no, because I hate people, and socializing with them is the worst…and even when I do say no, no one takes no seriously, unless you’re […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I first realized I was a woman when I was in the gym locker room, and figured my dick was more of a clit…then I turned to porn and really decided to own this being a woman thing…. I figured that if you tell a woman that you;’re actually a woman in the body of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

On my facebook, twitter and instagram…I’ve been seeing girls posting articles and statuses on dick pics… Basically complaining like “hey guys we don’t need the dick pics”…. or “OMG, I GET SO MANY DICK PICS AND I HATE IT”… or “WHAT ARE THESE GUYS THINKING WITH THEIR DICK PICS”…. It’s partially due to snapchat, partially […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Yesterday, I saw a girl in panties two sizes too small and leggings one size too small who had no idea…. But it turns out she’s a regular at this coffee shop and she knows exactly what she’s doing, cuz she just did it again with different leggings and different cut underwear… I like to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes…all you gotta do is dance… Other times…all you gotta do is masturbate to girls who dance…or throw dollars at them…because masturbating will get the biker bouncer to beat you up….and it’s not work it.. Today is neither a dance day or a masturbating day…it is just a day…like every other day…and here are some […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the DAy

I’ve had a technical glitch in updating the site today…I call that glitch Cinco de Mayo, where white people do some racist Mexican shit drinking crushed ice Maragritas in Sombreros…like it’s fucking spring break… I am drunk…it is 5 pm…I just at tacos and refried beans and here are the morning hangover dump…because real hangover […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Telling a girl you wish you were an UBER driver so that you could pick her up and know her number and where she lives, and following it up with you can’t be one because you have a DUI and one too many restraining orders….is an awful way to get sex…that’s why you shouldn’t ask […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s still my birthday…. That said, I feel like there is an understanding when a guy has a hot as fuck daughter and he’s sitting next to her at lunch, and she’s wearing a mini skirt or booty shorts and just has a crazy fucking ass, while I stare… He can’t get made at me, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The internet is filled with so many classy selfie content producers…taking so many great pics of themselves…you know looking like trashy strippers…crying for attention, without being strippers, because being a stripper is trashy….it’s like you don’t even need to out…everyday girls are pretty much trashy everywhere online…which is way better than internet users of the […]