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Miley Cyrus’ Armpit Hair is Red of the Day

I have a friend who used to fuck girl’s armpits…like he would only be able to get off if he was fucking an armpit…and he would even pay regular girls to let him fuck their armpits and most girls would go along with it because they never had their armpit fucked…and figured why the hell […]




Miley Cyrus Bleaching her Armpits of the Day

Miley Cyrus bleached her armpit hair on instagram…or in real life and posted it to instagram…because in Miley’s situation…the internet is her real life…as she has no real friends and this is her only glimpse into the outside world…thanks to suffering from her success and forced to be reclusive… Well part of her vision, creative […]




Miley Cyrus Pantsless Getting Painted on of the Day

Miley Cyrus posted a couple pictures that probably aren’t that hot to anyone but me…because I fucking love Miley Cyrus in all her crazy rich person reclusive glory…where she is alienated by her success and has because this weirdo content producer on social media that people seem to love..with weird photoshop edits and her smoking […]




Miley Cyrus Choreographed Dance with her Sister of the Day

A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Apr 28, 2015 at 12:04am PDT Miley Cyrus is like a weirdo rich person…reclusive in her own little safe haven that is her house…where select people roll through…and that she never leaves because she gets bombarded by fans…and sure she’s got everything she needs in her house, […]




Miley Cyrus Smokes Giant Joint of the Day

Miley Cyrus is a prime example of sheltered weirdo up on some Michael Jackson shit, who’s only friend is her instagram account and a few other weirdo people who latch onto her because she’s Miley Cyrus… She can’t live a normal life, or leave her house without being totally bombarded, so she’s a reclusive weirdo […]




Miley Cyrus in Gym Clothes of the Day

A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Apr 21, 2015 at 8:02pm PDT Miley Cyrus is fucking amazing…what isn’t amazing is that this turn yourself into a stripper app, rockin’ the pole has gone viral and every asshole on instagram and facebook has been posting little animations of their whore selves living the stripper […]




Miley Cyrus French Kissing her Dog of the Day

I day is not a day unless Miley Cyrus graces it with her silly antics…that I call being a bored rich girl who really doesn’t give a fuck, or at least pretends to not give a fuck because that is the marketing campaign her team decided to run with as it resinates with the youth […]




Miley Cyrus Wins 420 of the Day

Miley Cyrus posted a picture of her smoking a bong, wearing pasties, probably not trying to be shocking, because this is the internet and the only thing shocking would be if the bong was shoved up her cunt and blowing smoke rings out of her ass… Which she’s not doing, becasue she’s boring… But she […]




Miley Cyrus Headstand with a Leotard Wedgie of the Day

I used to know and party with girls who were just into being weird for the sake of being weird. They were actually normal as fuck, and I guess that’s why they did it, it gave them something to get noticed for or to talk about…whether it was with costume…or whatever…. They were the kind […]




Miley Cyrus Nipple for Mert Alas and Instagram of the Day

I follow Miley and I follow Mert Alas on Instagram, because Mert and Marcus are the biggest photographers in the game right now, and Miley, well, Miley, as annoying as she is….still gives me boners…because she’s fun, funny, even if full of shit, bubblegum and not authentic at all…because in reality no one is authentic, […]