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Miley Cyrus’ Vagina on Instagram of the Day

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Jun 9, 2015 at 9:07am PDT I think it is funny that I have to flag my MILEY CYRUS NAKED IN PAPER as NSFW! because I got alcohol to buy and people who think this site is a porn site because of it… Yet Miley Cyrus can […]




Miley Cyrus in the Pool of the Day

The exciting thing about pictures of girls underwater when not shot with the right camera is how distorted and stretched out their bodies are…reminiscent of something we used to call scramble porn…back before digital TV and the internet…where cable companies would block out the peope who didn’t buy porn with a scrambled picture…but audio feed […]




Miley Cyrus in a Bikini of the Day

Miley Cyrus is in a bikini…because she likes to get as even a tan as possible…let’s hope she’s wearing some sunscreen, we’d hate for her to get skin cancer and die a horrible death, because she’s such a great contribution to society…always encouraging girls to be the best they can be…while doing whatever it is […]




Miley Cyrus Selfie Pose of the Day

Miley Cyrus took a few wig wearing selfies, in what is one of those standard selfie poses, chin relaxed and aimed upwards, mouth half opened, lips pouted…in what reminds me of sex, but only because of her half open eyes, because that’s just the kind of sex I’ve had…we call it “half dead”…but not dead […]




Miley Cyrus’ 3D Glasses of the DAy

Here’s some Miley Cyrus in 3D, for those of you who haven’t had enough of Miley Cyrus and her attempt and being weird, because that’s what her marketing team read the kids are into…and that they used tumblr to support their claims… I just find it offensive…that she’s censored her tits…when showing her tits is […]




Miley Cyrus is Not Nearly Slutty Enough on Vacation of the Day

Miley posted some vacation pictures of herself because her life isn’t a fucking vacation as it is…and she needs to go to tropical places to really understand what being relaxed is…and I guess it gives her a chance to just be herself…which is a clothed Disney Starlet…who doesn’t need to pretend she’s weird because that’s […]




Miley Cyrus is The Best Ever of the Day

Miley Cyrus is a delicate flower from Pop Culture heaven who has graced the world with the polar opposite of everything she was when in contract with Disney…including but not limited to being topless as often as possible…because high as often as possible…because either she’s a broken girl…which is possible, all child stars are…or she’s […]




Miley Cyrus is Fun of the Day

Miley Cyrus is a lot of fun…at least in her social media where she’s basically showing her spread asshole or tits on the regular…because that’s just the generation we live in.. We used to have to watch cheesy Playboy porn for this softcore erotica….and now all the mainstream talent is doing it…in what they think […]




Miley Cyrus Nude for V Magazine of the Day

Here’s another post on Miley Cyrus, because it is safe to say that she is the best thing to have happened in the entertainment industry in a love fucking time, all thanks to her trying to be the total opposite of what Disney created her as, even though it is safe to assume in the […]




Miley Cyrus Pubes in her Latest Armpit Hair Photo of the Day

The most important thing that has happened this week…is Miley Cyrus bleached and dyed her armpit hair…because Miley Cyrus is this lame, identity crisis, feminist reclusive weirdo who had her childhood and freedom robbed of her…on some Michael Jackson shit…connecting with fat chicks of tumblr…. But now she’s posting it with pubic hair..and I fucking […]