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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s Cinco De Mayo…. So I expect all the white moms to be wearing sombreros, the Mexican black face, while eating some out of the box tacos, drinking one too many Margaritas on Zoom with their annoying mom friends…ending with her puking on her husband when trying to be “frisky”, dangerous and adventurous…letting loose, being […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Welcome to my world of sitting and staring at walls. I don’t know why there are so many complaints about quarantine, it’s not like any of you were actually living before. I don’t know if commuting to a thankless job that lays you off the first chance they get, where you sit and stare at […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Bat shaming! So much bat shaming. No one cares about the bats. The nice thing about quarantine, besides how easy the government can control you, take alway your livlihood, and take a hard working provider and turn him into a dick-less pussy…who just complies with the government…instead of taking their rifle to their place of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Check out the tits on that nurse, fingers cross that she’s assigned to me when this virus kicks our asses, I’ll help her with her social media strategy and building up that snapchat…..unless she dies of the Corona Virus. My biggest regret this weekend was that I didn’t go into the safety mask business, some […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know it can be rough for a lonely and single INCEL fuck like yourselves. But that doesn’t mean do anything stupid due to your anger that you can’t get pussy. What it does mean is to watch out for the sex workers on Valentine’s Day. They are on the prowl, looking for suckers who […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is Valentine’s Day, so get out there and find girls looking for Valentines. This is their last attempt to find cock before Valentine’s Day…so that on Valentine’s Day they have a date lined up. They are at the height of hopeful romantic…even if they pretend they are happy alone…even if they pretend they don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was at the grocery store, you know my regular haunt, which makes me feel pretty old or like an actual dad, despite not being a dad, stepfather for life…. But back it the day when I would leave my house, without fear of weird diseases and other humans, there’d always be guys who would […]




stepLINKS of the Day

How about that corona virus…ready for the reset??? Same. In big news no one cares about Aaron Hernandez told him mom he was gay before his suicide, so was his being arrested a hate crime against gays? Was he only in football for the showers? Why don’t the people care about Aaron Hernandez closet case’s […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Have any porn sites released some helicopter inspired porn as a tribute to Kobe, you know just a girl spinning on a dick like she’s the propeller… The best Kobe joke I’ve heard was from one of my homies who said “It’s a national disaster because no one likes their Kobe overcooked” or something similar….I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hope ya’ll are having a great Martin Luther King Day….I can’t believe it’s almost over and that we have to wait another year to celebrate….to show our appreciation for his dying for his cause to pave the way of the America you live in today. The inclusivity, the over sensitive babies and all that […]