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stepLINKS of the Day

So, a lot of minimum jobs seem to be filled by trans….whether it is the grocery store, pharmacy or Starbucks…and they aren’t like REAL trans people, but they think they are….I call them Trans for attention….the breed of trans people that go trans so people talk about them…or talk to them…to give them substance or […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my weekend was talking to some young, under 30 year old girl, who had no idea what ready to drop porn was. I figured it was common knowledge, seeing as all these kids grow up on porn, but apparently some of the classic titles or categories…like READY TO DROP haven’t made it […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw a handicapped girl at the mall in a push up bra with her tits out, she was missing a limb or had a gimp arm and a limp, but those tits were something special..something to work with…because I am an optimist and see the glass half full…there may not be hand jobs, it […]




All the Tits at the MTV VMA’s of the Day

Posted in:MTV|SFW

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I am very out of touch, which is funny, since I post pop culture, social media based bullshit celebrities, most that I’ve never heard of…. I prefer the idea of being off in a remote cabin in the woods, with no screens, or phones to stare at the sky for the rest of time, than […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The latest meme that all the idiots on instagram are posting is “I do not give Facebook consent to own my images”….like this is a new thing. I remember Friendster and Myspace back in 2003-4 used to have the non-exclusive rights to your image for any and all purposes…to cover their asses….and with the rights […]




Josie Canseco Tight Leggings of the Day

Josie Canseco is dating Brodie Jenner like she was his dad. I don’t really know what that means, but I figure it’s not incest if your dad decides he’s a teen girl at 70 years old….and cuts his dick off, only to invert it, while jacking himself up on hormones, growing tits, he’s basically a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Seeing people get mad on the internet about things that could be a “trigger” is hilarious to me, because 10 years ago, which wasn’t that long ago, triggers weren’t even a thing and if they were a thing we didn’t give a fuck, because that was your problem that you had to deal with….people left […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I heard a story about a kid who got circumsized by a nurse, got gangrene and had to get his dick amputated. I have decided that will be my pick-up line, pre-emptively telling women I have no real dick, but the dick I do have has a rank smell, while tugging on their heartstrings and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I realize that one of the main struggles of today is making sure a random girl you meet doesn’t have and Adam’s apple…because all these trans people are everywhere…I saw two today and unfortunately they had better bodies than a lot of women….tits everywhere, with pride, because they grew them themselves thanks to hormones…. But […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I used to be the pervert in the group…I used to talk sex and fetishes and weirdos and porn all the time…with all the people I knew. It was incessant, never ending, to the point where the girlfriends of my friends wouldn’t let me be their friend because I was a bad influence. They thought […]