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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the long weekend, Labour Day, so get the fuck outside, get out to nature, stick your dick in the mud, reconnect with nature, hope your load doesn’t end up fertilizing some fucking snail or worm or insect, that will create some super being, half man, half snail or worm or insect…to save the world […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have made it pretty clear that I am a fucking pervert, I have a site that is perverted, that I started well into my pervert years, because for at least a decade or two before starting the site, I was also a pervert, I just hadn’t devoted my life to it… I love nudity, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

What is everyone on the internet mad about today? I know that there was some outrage about the drunk girls crying rape law being passed…which I would argue is an amazing law…because it holds people accountable for their actions. It’s not to say drunk girls can’t get raped anymore, or that you have a pass […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was rejected from an advertising network….a porn advertising network…because motherfucker needs to pay the costs of running a site over here….and the reason for the rejection was “Incest Porn”…. For the record, when I started the site, the top videos on the pornotubes were not stepfatehr porn, that’s a more RECENT happening that has […]




Celebrities Protesting of the Day

I hate when any celebrity gets involved in any form of activism because they are always in it for the wrong reasons. Celebrities do not give a fuck about anything beyond themselves, making the most out of their celebrity, and they don’t look past their arm’s length to any real life issues that don’t effect […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Luckily we are all too busy watching Tiger King and shows of the like when not taking selfies for our own social media accounts we are trying to build out to notice basically anything…because if we actually noticed things…we’d probably be real mad….and that would suck because we’d have to start protesting and fighting for […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Holy Fuck… 2020 is less than 12 hours away… Nothing will change….we will all be exposed to unnecessary stress, annoying stories of people we don’t care about, we will all continue to keep up with the Joneses and buy shit we don’t need, and in turn kill our environment….we will get deeper in debt, become […]




Cuban Cabello Tongue Fucks Homosexual Canadian Singing of the Day

Cuban Born Camila Cabello, who I assume floated in on a raft with Elian Gonzalez, to steal all your WHITE AMERICAN jobs like being a popstar….not that I care, I am Canadian and we embrace all immigrants…just look at what our HOMOSEXUAL popstar – Shawn Mendes does to your immigrants – Camila Cabello with his […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Watching people fighting immigration laws. Crying about race issues. Fighting over Trump even though he’s your president…getting caught up in all the hype of everything and picking sides the way you were trained…thinking there is either a good guy or a bad guy, a hero or a villain…each taking sides like a basic comic book […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My favorite email I get is: I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched. With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks. I […]