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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

While you’ve been celebrating the LA Rams getting into the Super Bowl, because you fucking love LA….and Tom Brady..and the trans Brazilian model you’ve jerked off to…who he married. I’ve been celebrating Martin Luther King Day…partially because I believe in equal rights for all…and I like Memphis BBQ….and really everything in the south…but mainly because […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The best thing about the success of Facebook is that it gives all the socially awkward weirdos hope…because Facebook was built by a socially awkward dude, probably / definitely a virgin, who wasn’t getting the sexts from the hot chicks, so instead created a platform with messaging capabilities so that he could read the sexts […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When it comes to harassment guys are always like, “I’d love it if a woman masturbated in front of me or grabbed me by the dick without permission,” but our minds automatically imagine an “attractive” woman. Most of us would have a different response if the woman looked like a female version of Louis CK […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The site was down all day yesterday. I could not login and access it to share my insight with you assholes…and it was amazing… Life changing really…. Here are yesterday morning links Perverse Woman Barely Saves a Child CLICK HERE Gigi Hadid – Cleavage CLICK HERE Gayest House Ever CLICK HERE Fyre Fest is the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The feminization of the American male is a real thing, possibly because of the hormones in the food, but we know it exists because it can be seen in all their selfies, and dicks in their mouths… I see dude posting up selfies of themselves, pretty much all the time, whether done ironically, which is […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I think it is racist to not let black dudes make gay jokes before they got super famous in 2011, in an era when we were allowed to make gay jokes and the word FAG wasn’t banned from the english language, especially when that black man is for sure a queer to begin with…there is […]




Katharine McPhee Bikini Dance of the Day

Katharine McPhee is dancing in a bikini, because this is what winning at life looks like… The girl, who has a rumored voice of an angel in song, has managed to take her fat tits from American idol, where she launched her career, to some acting that she probably made good money on, to dating […]




Kara Del Toro Tanned Tits of the Day

Kara Del Toro is the new, possibly old, Guess? Girl…which is exciting because it means that Paul Maciano, despite Kate Upton’s claim of rape, and his weird perversion for Gigi Hadid that helped her get started in this career, has not shut down his business and dude is still cashing in, the slimiest motherfucker around…which […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Being a titty blogger is hard times, mainly because tits are free and everywhere and you don’t need some 50 year old Mexican’s opinion on anything….but also because you’re all TRUMP obsessed… Facebook is where you all Whine endlessly about trump….whether supporters or not…you’re all in some old school internet flame war…to busy thinking up […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hate these people on instagram who have committed to low maintenance travel life, you know minimalist shit, living out of a suitcase shit, acting like they’ve broken the system and live by their own drum…yet update their instagram daily…like they think they are interesting, important or worth watching…like you’ve given up on social norms […]