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Coachella Tits Roundup of the Day

I am sure there are a lot of MEMES out there making fun of Coachella, because anyone who wants to put themselves through Coachella, has a fucking mental problem. They are the masses, the people who could easily be swindled by the FYRE FESTIVAL people, who feel a need to be part of something, a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I love when I see girls post shit like “No One will be as nice as you as a guy trying to fuck you”….because I know that every girl I’ve ever met has not liked any guy being nice to them…niceness has not got them to fuck a guy…niceness has not worked to get in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am sure I’ve said it before, like all day everyday, but it amazes me that women, despite being as slutty as ever, don’t even take advantage of men the way they should… It is trendy to hate men, in this man world they have decided they live in….but they still like to fuck dudes…cuz […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Show me your tits! Not to make this about Michael Jackson because I really don’t care….even though it’s the third most watch documentary of all time… It’s that my life is dull and I have nothing else going on, so I watched the documentary and that is the extent of my social life….or my interacting […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Luke Perry wasn’t trending when he had the stroke, but he’s sure trending today….Sounds like the Estate of Michael Jackson made a deal with his people to delay unplugging him until Monday to divert attention the day after The Michael Jackson HBO documentary airs its first part about him giving rim jobs to 7 year […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Some queer from facebook, who was defending some dude he has a crush on on facebook, despite being “straight”…wrote a comment directed at me – saying he would beat me up…or that he knows who I am and is going to beat me up…. To which I said “by beat up do you mean play […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We live in a world, where superheroes like Luke Perry are proven to not be invincible and not eternal….They can stroke out like the rest of us obese drug addict chain smoking unhealthy too much salt in our fatty non organic foods….even though they aren’t even obese…putting doubt that there is even a god in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Valentine’s Day is dead. If you’re depressed about Valentine’s Day or not having a Valentine, you’re a fucking queer or 8 years old and still at a school that doesn’t bullshit everyone into thinking we are all equal by making sure every student gets the equal number of Valentine’s Day cards, even though they aren’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is pretty ridiculous how ridiculous this social media shit is. I know I talk about it all the time, because it is everything, and it is how I stay current….you know without actually posting on social media…because that shit is gay…. But I was at the grocery store buying some canned beans, as I […]




Kara Del Toro Bikini Erotica of the Day

Kara Del Toro is the new, possibly old, Guess? Girl…which is exciting because it means that Paul Marciano, despite Kate Upton’s claim of rape, and his weird perversion for Gigi Hadid that helped her get started in this career, has not shut down his business and dude is still cashing in, She’s also in some […]