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Hollywood Pin-Up’s Pictures of the Day

I am slow moving on this story because I really don’t like the whole pin-up burlesque movement. I find it dated, unsexy and the girls who usually are up on it are fuckin’ fat, suicide girl types who listen to rockabilly and have stupid asymmetrical bangs and patent leather 2 tone shoes they got at […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t really have anything to say….sometimes it happens when you drink…so I’ll do a stepCONTEST instead: I am going to be giving away a Spank Rock CD to the First 3 People to Email Me A Picture of them Doing Something I Find Worthy of Being a stepLINKS header. Email Entries In To Me […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I just applied to be on Big Brother 9, but I am don’t live in the US so I am not eligible, but figured that I shouldn’t let that stop me in my quest to be on TV. This is what I wrote: I want to be on big brother. But I need wifi and […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I am so fascinated by girls who idolize Jenna Jameson. I met a girl last night with bleached blonde hair dressed like a pornstar who introduced herself as Jenna. I asked if that was her real name and she said no and that she just thought it sounded sexy, and when I asked if it […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I ended up getting really drunk on the weekend and thought it would be a good idea to go hang out at the emergency room in the hospital. I don’t really know what I was thinking but at 4 in the morning, where else are you going to find people who are awake and willing […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I left my house today only to find a ton of college girls in town. I guess it’s that time of year, summer is over, even though it’s summer vacation everyday for me. I was faced with so many half naked young girls with their tits all hanging out and shit and so many of […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I went out with some of my guy friends last night to celebrate one of thier birthdays. One of them is also getting married so the night turned into the 3 of them complaining about getting older and loosing their freedom, while i went around slutting it up with various guys I met and drinking […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

This is a story I wrote in an email today that I am recycling here because like someone said in the comments, that Paris letter wiped me out. I even had to go to the post office, interact with people and include my home phone number to send it out. I am hoping it gets […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I am pretty late on my stepLINKS today, I guess that could be because I am a pretty bad fucking blogger, but it could also be because I post every fucking link I’ve visited today for all you assholes to feel like we are sitting together in a coffee shop surfing the internet together while […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I got a haircut today and it was pretty fucking exciting. If you are wondering how I could afford a haircut, it’s pretty simple, I haven’t cut my hair in 6 years and it was long and fucking disgusting, so I made my way to the cancer charity and shaved my head for free. I […]