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stepLINKS of the Day

I used to be a pig of a person…and luckily…I still am…..I mean why bother changing, that whole evolve with the times shit is too much effort, just keep on thinking how you think about whatever you want is what I say….but the problem with being a pig of a person is that I don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Do cross dressers sell their panties online like all them girls do. I sometimes think about my early internet business I tried to set up – selling used panties on ebay and Craigslist that kept getting shut down before we even started. I had lined up the girl willing to wear the panties and another […]




stepLINKS of the Day

One thing I always forget until going to the grocery store, which happens to be my only task, chore, hobby, activity, reason I leave the house, I have a fat wife, bitch needs to eat…all the fucking time…never ending…just shovelling it in making you wonder how she does it…olympic level eating….but the thing I forget […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I give thanks to girls who try to be dramatic, or showcase that they don’t give a fuck, so they post a pic of their pussy and asshole on social media with the caption “trying to get deleted off IG”….while trying to get noticed..and it worked. That is the hero we fucking need….more like her..low […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been seeing constant crackheads walking around the ghetto I live in, but never full bother really watching them, until today when this hot toothless looking thin bitch in what was some decently slutty soiled clothing…the kind of girl who has been through some shit, and who you’d give 10 dollars to just to see […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The idea of producing a selfie like you were a media company trying to produce a movie but it is not a movie but just a selfie. Marketed and begged to be watched and liked. It is all so fucking desperate. Trying so hard…Very lame. Even worse when it has a brand attached like some […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is always tragic when you meet a woman who is just such a deep and hateful cunt that you are forced to think of all the nice women who have died before her, you know of cancer, prematurely, maybe heart issues or an accident…whatever…you may have one or more in your life….you know just […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Girls with big tits are a breed of their own, because they fucking love showing off their big tits any way they can.. Yesterday I saw a girl with big tits at the grocery store busting out all over the fucking place….then I saw another set of big tits on a bike in a tank […]




Tits at the CFDA Fashion Awards of the Day

I don’t know if the CFDA is some Fashion AIDS event that all these people attend like AIDS is still a death sentence, or like they care about AIDS, when really they just care about being seen at luxurious events….I guess I could just google it… As it turns out, CFDA is for emerging designers, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was going to buy a website called my panties are red but started out white dot com…to celebrate the periods of the world…you know like a feminist who smears period on my face because women, maternal, fertility….LIFE..or some shit… I know it typically means no sex, or messy sex…and if you’ve got a nice […]