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stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been convincing girls to get naked, to flash me, to show me their panties for as long as I can remember..and it’s really done nothing good for me…but I can call myself an original sexter…sexting before it was a thing. I would use a pocket calculator that had some note function…where I’d seductively ask […]




stepLINKS of the Day

“My bathing suit is falling off” is always the best thing to hear at any public pool, except when it is said during an old person aqua fitness class by an old man who just shit himself. Here are some stepLINKS while I try to find hookers to inspire me to make better content stories […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I went to the Dentist today, not because I have a dentist or have the money for the dentist, I like to ride out my tooth rot like a cowboy….you know dreams of pulling out my own teeth like a bad youtube video…the poor white trash redneck way… I went to the dentist because I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s not nice to ask people in wheel chairs for an autograph because you think they are Tony Hawk and you want to see them do a kick flip…but it is so funny… I’ve been noticing more and more stories about handicapable people doing the jobs of non handicaps… Like an Autistic who is a […]




All the Naked Models of the Day

Here are some old pics, maybe new pics, I have terrible memory so new pics to me pics of model from the mall brand Victoria’s Secret, that you’ve probably heard of before thanks to them spending millions a year for you to know who their models are…even though you don’t actually care about who they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The thing that annoy me today aren’t really that big of a deal, but they involve seeing mainstream ads next to TUMBLR Porn that is still on TUMBLR despite them saying no more porn, so mainstream ads alongside throat fucking pics…yet I get called a porn site and there’s no dick here…and I’ll end up […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like Christmas for the tradition, for the hype, for the marketing I’ve been raped by and seduced by from CocaCola and pretty much every brand…I do not like Christmas for the Religion. I do not like it for the homosexuality of the church and I do not like it when people, because it is […]




stepLINKS of the Day

People are all sex addicts now…which I think it effecting their creativity…They can’t handle all the porn and just want to jack off or bang all day…because everything is the fucking same… If you log onto social media….you’ll see everyone posting and saying the same thing… taking the same pics…taking the same videos…sharing the same […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

Yeah – it’s fucking ridiculous these whores calling themselves feminist. Just affirms how entitled these people are. I am not a smart man, but I do know that the white people who were protesting Columbus Day because he was a BAD immigrant that moved in on the native population and forced he ideals onto the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know why, but every time I walk by an Inuit prostitute, and she offers me sex for money, and I say no thanks, not because I’m racist, but because I’m not into that look, they tell me I have a tiny dick but that I should try to fuck myself with it anyway….just […]