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Archive for the Toni Garrn Category




Toni Garrn Has Nipples of the Day

You make think that your asshole is important. you know, because it lets you expel all the shit out of you and without it you’d probably die, or have a stoma bag….both of which kinda suck…

But there are more important assholes than you…..and those important assholes are currently at the Cannes Film festival showing off their tits, or staring at tits, all in the luxurious setting of the French Riviera. So fancy.

Toni Garrn, a German with potential Nazi roots because she’s German….ask her what her grandfather and great grandfather were up to back in 1938….was one of the important assholes at an event at Cannes.

She showed off her tits in one outfit, her panties in another outfit, it’s like she’s trying to go back to the glory days of being in Victoria’s Secret, back when Leo DiCaprio used her as a beard cuz he’s a poofter.

Here are those looks:


Posted in:Toni Garrn




Toni Garrn Running her Cameltoe of the Day

We can now refer to her as TOE-ny – am I right? No? Or just old, tired and terrible at blogging? Who cares.

This bitch has a huge enough cameltoe, I guess you’d need one to get as far as she got in this model game..

Not to mention she’s German, and Germans love stretched out / shit on…whatever Berliner sex dungeon frequenting weirdo.

I do not give a fuck about Toni Garrn as a model, so I don’t care about her cameltoe, but it’s still solid pussy definition…a good old fashioned cameltoe and that’s what counts.


Posted in:SFW|Toni Garrn




All the Naked Models of the Day

Here are some old pics, maybe new pics, I have terrible memory so new pics to me pics of model from the mall brand Victoria’s Secret, that you’ve probably heard of before thanks to them spending millions a year for you to know who their models are…even though you don’t actually care about who they are…you’re just here for the tits…and tits…we’ve got…

It makes you wonder why they airbrush out the tits in the Catalog, when clearly all these chicks will show tit…it’s just oppressive Christian nonsense trying to not be labeled porn, despite all their girls being on degree of separation off from being a sex worker…they are paid to be bodies that wear underwear….I mean lets get some perspective here.

Exciting stuff….

Martha Hunt
Naked Models for MUSE Martha Hunt

Jasmine Tookes

Lais Ribeiro
Naked Models for MUSE Lais Ribeiro

Maya Henry
Naked Models for MUSE Maya Henry

Toni Garrn
Naked Models for MUSE Toni Garrn

Candice Swanepoel
Naked Models for MUSE Candice Swanepoel

More Candice in a bikini


Posted in:Candice Swanepoel|Jasmine Tookes|Lais Ribeiro|Martha Hunt|Toni Garrn




Toni Garrn Tits Of the Day

Toni Garrn Tits Out in Low Cut Black Dress in Cannes

Toni Garrn is in Cannes because she’s as important as a reality star from the UK…because she is Euro, a model, a Leo stage girlfriend who probably thought she made it in the world….but then became a girl calling the paparazzi to see her naked or half naked on the Miami beaches…the way we like her…

I don’t know who brought her out to Cannes, but if she is the kind of girl who fucks Leo, she is obviously into rich people, the rich life and Cannes is the hub of that…high end Sugar Baby Central…

Posted in:SFW|Toni Garrn




Toni Garrn Nipples for GQ of the Day

Toni Garrn Nipples for South Aftrica GQ

Toni Garrn was a Victoria’s Secret model, I think…I really don’t remember, but she has been around for a while, probably a decade or more….and she’s still out there showing her tits…full tits…nipples out for GQ…exciting times for someone who pretty much fell off the map and has spent the last few months basically working on a comeback by getting naked with other low level sluts on the beach of Miami for the hired paparazzi…a tactic that I guess worked…

You may know her as one of Leo’s Beards…a long time ago, for about 5 minutes, she was marketed as his “girlfriend” who he probably never saw because he was too busy sucking dick, but that he would car around in public so people didn’t know he was too busy sucking dick, not because he’s a homo who hates women, but because he’s Leo and has been hounded by hot chicks his entire life…to the point where they are boring..

So this one has been touched by his magic leo wand…or rumored to have been….and look at her now…tits out in print 5 years later because we like tits of women who may only exist because they “dated” Leo even when they become pretty low end because it was a decade ago.



Posted in:Toni Garrn




Topless Toni Garrn is at It Again of the Day

Toni Garrn and Alina Baikova topless and bikinis in miami

Toni Garrn and her friends are back in Miami, maybe they live in Miami, I don’t know what these immigrants are up to, but it’s probably not stealing your jobs…you ugly fucks, it’s more likely that they are stealing your eligible men, because it seems like eager babes from other countries who want to be American and live the American dream are far better at seducing rich American men, because I guess American men don’t want American women, because American women are entitled and even if the other women like nice and fancy things, they know their role….while American women think it’s theirs to do what you want with…

I know for one thing, if I was a rich dude on the sugar baby program because I had my heart broken by my one true love and I’m bitter, is that I’d go for an immigrant or series of immigrants who are just happy to be there…while the American woman would just move in and be a pain in the ass while spending your money…and when you’re paying these cunts, directly or indirectly, you don’t want pains in the ass…

Point being, she used to date LEO, was a VS girl, and now does this….whatever this is…on the beach…tits out.

Toni Garrn and Alina Baikova topless and bikinis in miami

Posted in:SFW|Toni Garrn




Toni Garrn Topless of the Day

Toni Garrn Topless in Miami

Toni Garrn is topless on the beach in Miami, because of course she is, she’s gotta call the paparazzi and give them something to take pics of, especially when she’s a model, and models are designed to be topless, it’s the high profile, high end, sex work….

You may, but probably don’t remember Toni Garrn as one of Leonardo DiCaprio’s young model girlfriend’s who he probably didn’t actually have sex with because he’s gay and overcompensating –

It’s a hard life for someone who gets to fuck anything he wants to fuck – and has been able to fuck anything he wants to fuck for many decades – you likely get bored of just fucking hot models and if you weren’t gay to start – you eventually become gay because pussy becomes tiring – I mean he is an actor, it’s a pretty gay profession, where dude looks at himself in the mirror fake crying and practicing his lines – disturbing…

Enough about LEO….this is about Toni Garrn, who may only exist because of Leo, and who has become pretty low end, but who is now….TOPLESS for the paparazzi and really herself, with her friend…Alina BaikovA…

Happy Easter…Egg Hunting..

Toni Garrn Topless in Miami

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Posted in:Toni Garrn




Toni Garrn Topless on the Beach of the Day

Toni Garrn tanned and topless on the beach

Toni Garrn is one of Leonardo DiCaprio’s young model girlfriend’s who he probably doesn’t actually have sex with because he’s gay and overcompensating – it’s a hard life for someone who gets to fuck anything he wants to fuck – and has been able to fuck anything he wants to fuck for many decades – you likely get bored of just fucking hot models and if you weren’t gay to start – you eventually become gay because pussy becomes tiring – I mean he is an actor, it’s a pretty gay profession, where dude looks at himself in the mirror fake crying and practicing his lines – disturbing…

Well Toni Garrn or her friend are on vacation, she’s a model with a model body, a little old now but still matters thanks to Leo’s seed smeared across her upper lip like a German Moustache…and either she or her friend are topless, and luckily we like tits here so we’re gonna post it.

Posted in:Toni Garrn




Toni Garrn Topless of the Day

Toni Garrn was a 20 year old model…from Germany…who is on the farm team for Victoria’s Secret…after walking for them in 2011 and doing a few campaigns for them overyears….you know being conditioned or put through the wringer to see if she’s worthy of being trapped in their Victoria’s Secret cage…and I don’t think at 25…she still is on their team…but I do think her ancestors were Nazis and that’s always exciting…

I also know that she was one of Leo’s fake girlfriends for a while and I guess that didn’t quite work out as well as she probably wanted it to…

I also know she’s topless in luxury since once you go LEO other rich guys want in on that pussy to make them feel better about themselves..because rich people are weird status freaks…that like putting their dick in things they assume are of value…cuz it has celebrity co-sign…

I’m more into unscathed girls, you know give the herpes don’t receive the herpes…But I’ll still look at them tits and model body on the beach…why not…look don’t touch because if you’re not invited to touch…not that you would….because if you were in whatever luxury location she’s at…you’d be with the younger version of Toni Garrn, less ego….not copping a feel of some Leo table scraps..


Posted in:Toni Garrn




Toni Garrn See Through of the DAy

Toni Garrn is Leo’s German post Jewish Bar Refaeli girlfriend…because I guess once dating the Jewish Princess….he was ready to experience the other side of that equation…you know…the German side…because maybe he found her hertiage relatable…


The good news is she will always will be connected to him thanks to herpes lasting forever…herpes that were worth getting thanks to your body slowly building an immunity making the outbreaks far less painful as time goes on…a small price to pay to get the media attention for being with such an a-lister…it is the stamp of approval on her twat…LITERALLY – that the other dudes she date find of value – like some collectors edition herpes they can put on their rich person wall. The modern hunting trophy….in this animal friendly place…


Posted in:Toni Garrn