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Alicia Douvall is Topless in a Bikini of the Day

All I know about this chick is that she’s from the UK and has a face like a plate of Bangers and Mash that can only be justified as the product of some Dairy Farm incest, but she’s topless and showing off her shitty sun burned fake tits that make these pictures about as sexually arousing as the pair of underwear I’ve been wearing all week because I have few options, kinda like any guy that happens to have sex with this slag. It’s one of those take what you can get when in a time of desperation, because it’s really the only way I can understand the fact that she’s got a kid.

During the Black Out 2008 that I experienced today, I ran into a couple HUGE girls on the street, I am talking substantially fatter than me and for some reason they were kickin’ it with some skinny blonde girl who looked just as sloppy as they did but wasn’t fat and took up less airplane seats when her deadbeat boyfriend saved enough money from selling dime bags of weed to take her somewhere special.

Either way, the busted up skinny chick was wearing this tight shirt and her tits were busting out because they were her only asset, or the only think she thought were her asset, because they really weren’t all that nice to look at and dudes were staring at her in amazement, that she thought was a positive thing and that’s why I feel like she’d really get along with this Alicia Douvall girl, together they could tell each other that they are the prettiest girls in the world, while everyone else kinda looks at them in disgusted amazement.

Posted in:Alicia Douvall|Bikini|Topless


