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A Couple Overrated Pigs Jiggling of the Day

I guess it’s a “Tis the Season to Jiggle on Social Media” for adorning fans who probably don’t really know why they follow these idiots, but do because “why not”…

So one of the overrated jigglers is Kylie Jenner, who thanks to her family she’s got a botox filled face that makes her look like a muppet in her 40s at 18….but who also sells silly product to her retard followers who I guess think she’s substantial, hot, or what guys are looking for in the world. I’ve been in the same room as her at least once and didn’t even notice her…zero star power, zero sex appeal, but bitch can fucking jiggle…

Then there’s Lena Dunham, who jiggles when she walks, everyday in her life and she feels the need to get naked and show you just exactly how it jiggles, since being fat and ugly, in this day and age can turn into money if you just position it as feminism and embracing your body and loving yourself…only to sell a TV show that your self involved ass stars in playing the naked chick no one wants to see naked…no matter what the fucking message is…put your damn clothes on..

I don’t know when Jiggling became a thing…but I guess it is…and even I’ve got on bored with this jiggle video…that’s far more festive than this terrifying shit.

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|Lena Dunham|SFW