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Halsey’s Tits on SNL of the Day

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I don’t know what I dislike more, SNL or Halsey, but both are pretty fucking bad.

I know that SNL has this legacy and that it’s seen as this revolutionary show for comedy and that may be true, I mean the 70s were a different era. I think I only watched the show a few years when I was 14 or 15 and even thought it was shit…I just lived in the middle of no where, had no friends, and would be home on a Saturday night with nothing by network television to entertain me.

I know that the show has bred some serious fucking talent whether you like their comedy or not….from Adam Sandler who got fired from the show and who is now a billioaire, to Chris Rock to Will Ferrell, also a billionaire, to Dan Ackroyd also a billionaire thanks to Ghostbusters…to Bill Murray and all then all the modern assholes I find fucking terrible like Dancing Monkey Fallon, Tina Fey and Andy Samberg…it’s all just a pile of commercialized, safe, TV friendly, weak comedic garbage…

But then again…what do I know about comedy. I’ve never tried to be funny. I’ve never done stand-up. I’ve never written a comedic movie. I am just a critic on the outskirts of relevance. I say I’m a comedy snob, that laughing is a waste of time, that comedy besides a small handful of people is just lame. Some loser who practiced and memorized in front of the mirror to get that perfect 15 minute set. So my opinion doesn’t reflect the success or the zeigtgeist of what the people are actually into. I mean if it was, I wouldn’t live in a ghetto basement apartment with a fat wife cuz she pays the rent.

I still think I can say SNL sucks…

Then there’s Halsey, some liar who created some fake backstory of her drug riddled ghetto half black homeless youth, when really bitch was just some party girl who fucked a DJ that kept in contact with said DJ and did a vocal track on one of his massive songs, paving the way for her….but no one like to say “i sucked a DJ dick and he was nice to me in this MeToo era and wanted to keep the door open for future dick sucking, so I sent him a vocal track I did and he made it a hit”….

I find her barely hot, barely interesting, barely slutty enough….whether in lingerie showing off her new fake tits, or a bikini….so these are two things I hate….coming together for media and popculture moments that shouldn’t fucking matter.

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Here she is in a slutty short dress
Halsey Tits on SNL


Posted in:Halsey|SFW