PLANTS NOT PILLS MOTHERFUCKERS!!! Here are some GLISTENING – Possibly Oiled Up for that WET look girls to celebrate the magic of KUSHLY CBD …
I know some of you think I’m some kind of snake oil salesman pushing HEMP based CBD that has no PSYCHOACTIVE agents, that won’t fuck your shitty job interview drug test, that doesn’t actually work… THAT IS WHY YOU NEED IT
Well, I will have you fucking know that I was at a store today, and the store had a rack of CBD products, and the Lebanese woman was pushing the shit on everyone who walked in, and most seemed really interested in finding alternatives to pain, anxiety, depression, inflamation and insomnia…amongst other things…
Because none of us want to be on pills. We know BIG PHARMA is bullshit. We know they are trying to POISON us…and we know that the benefits of . CBD can’t be argued.
The nice older couple I met in that store were very interested in buying CBD and I told them to get home, to do their research, to try it out without spending a lot, and to see if it works for them….like it works for me.
I told them it may be a psychosomatic thing.
I told them straight up that it works for me That I am a believer. That I think weed is illegal because it fucks up too many industries the government has their hand in. I told them it’s too easy to grow for the government to regulate it…so they shut it down…
But people are smarter now, people KNOW now, that we don’t want to poison ourselves and if a plant like HEMP can do so much…maybe, just MAYBE it’s legit and not some bullshit trend people are getting into.
MAYBE…just maybe it is a trend because we are more informed…and because it fucking works.
The only way to find out is to try it…so on this 420…the day for smoking weed…try out what I think is the best revelation in years….CBD is good. CBD is safe. CBD fucking works for me…and I can’t stress enough that it could work for you!
You may not even think you have an issue, until you use it and stop using it and realize how sore and fucked up you are…
It allows me to type this site with my mangled arthritic hands. It helps me do a lot of things…CBD is the fucking way to go….and KUSHLY has an awesome range of products for you to check out…..
So get yours now. It may change your life…USE CODE step20…for a 20% off Discount…
Why KUSHLY? Because Kushly products contain the purest sources of cannabinoids, antioxidants and neuroprotectants that help protect your body’s central nervous system.
So get yours now. It may change your life…USE CODE step20…for a 20% off Discount…
That’s why…
Here are those Oiled up Girls….YUM….
Here are some other girls getting CBD Oiled Up and Glistening for Kushly on 420!
Josephine Skriver knows whats up..
So get yours now. It may change your life…USE CODE step20…for a 20% off Discount…
So get yours now. It may change your life…USE CODE step20…for a 20% off Discount…

Posted in:420|Featured Post